Mar 11, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Creative Writing, B.A.
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The Bachelor of Arts with a major in creative writing is an interdisciplinary program that resides in the Department of English Language and Literature . Courses are taught by English, theatre, media studies, and languages faculty. The creative writing major requires 33 hours. Students will study literary technique, style, form, genre, and the Anglo-American literary tradition while developing as poets, writers of fiction, creative nonfiction, and performance-based work. A minor is required.
Students who can write clearly and think creatively typically find jobs in a wide range of occupations, many of them located well beyond what is traditionally considered the career path of English or creative writing. Some of the most common jobs are editing/publishing, grant and proposal writing, feature film and television writer and digital copywriter just to name a few.
Program Objectives
Students will
- Develop greater familiarity with literature in the Anglophone world.
- Develop creative and critical writing skills, including familiarity with different genres of creative writing and their modes of public performance.
- Learn to articulate goals as writers, and how to assess progress toward accomplishing them.
- Become involved in a community of writers and learn about writing as a profession.
Tulsa Curriculum Requirements (53 hours)
Core Curriculum (28 hours)
General Curriculum (25 hours)****
- Block I Aesthetic Inquiry and Creative Experience (6 hours)
- Block II Historical and Social Interpretation (12 hours)
- Block III Scientific Investigation (7 hours including one lab)
Creative Writing Major Requirements (33 hours)
Creative Writing (18 hours) and - Five 3000- or 4000-level creative writing courses selected from at least two of the five genres below:
Major Writers
Two courses selected from the following: Upper Level Literature Electives
Three courses in any period or language at the 3000 or 4000 level selected from the following: - Any 3000 or 4000 level ENGL course not designated as creative writing
Up to 6 hours of courses in literatures other than English may be taken to fulfill reading courses with approval of advisor. Required Minor (12 hours)
Students must, with the advisor’s approval, enroll in at least 12 hours in a minor field. Six of these hours must be at the 3000 level or above. General Electives (26 hours)
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