Feb 17, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

The Oxley College of Health Sciences

Robin Ploeger, Dean 

The Oxley College of Health Sciences is the newest college at The University of Tulsa. It is the home for many well-established health-related undergraduate and graduate programs formerly offered by the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences and the Collins College of Business, and is the home for several new academic programs. A combination of didactic coursework and clinical experiences in a wide variety of settings prepares graduates to take their place within the healthcare system in Tulsa and throughout the United States. Through unique opportunities for interdisciplinary interactions, students will learn the business, legal, and cultural aspects of healthcare. Additional opportunities for students include involvement in faculty research through the TURC program and experiential learning in the local community and around the world.


The Oxley College of Health Sciences will play a leadership role in improving health at the local, national and global levels through the efforts of our students, faculty, staff, graduates and strategic partnerships. In doing so, the Oxley College of Health Sciences will contribute to the value of the student experience at The University of Tulsa and the advancement of both the University and the Tulsa region.

The mission of the Oxley College of Health Sciences fully embraces and incorporates the mission of The University of Tulsa and asserts that students will be able to think critically, write and speak clearly, behave ethically, accept leadership responsibilities, develop an appetite for lifelong learning, and succeed in their professional careers.


The baccalaureate nursing program is approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326. The Master of Athletic Training Professional Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) and coursework is designed to prepare students for national athletic training certification through the Board of Certification (BOC) Inc. The Master of Science education program in speech-language pathology is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) programs are approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing. The D.N.P. programs are approved for candidacy status by the ACEN.

Honors Program

The Oxley College of Health Sciences invites graduating high school seniors with exceptional academic records and a spirit of intellectual curiosity to consider the University’s Honors Program . The core courses in the Honors Program are credited to the student’s general curriculum requirement. Students may choose to do independent research as part of their Honors Plan. In that case, a student’s directed research is applied either as elective or as major required hours. Students admitted to the Honors Program receive an academic scholarship and may choose to major in any academic discipline offered by The University of Tulsa.

Early Careers in Community Medicine Program

The Early Careers in Community Medicine (ECCM) program provides highly qualified undergraduate students at The University of Tulsa with a unique opportunity to pursue an early provisional acceptance into the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine program, leading to an M.D. degree. For information regarding eligibility and application requirements, visit the ECCM webpage.

Academic Policies


Transfer policies for the Oxley College of Health Sciences include the following:

  • After a student has completed 60 hours, no more courses may be transferred from a community college or junior college. The 60 hours completed refers to number of hours the student has completed at the time the student would take the course at another institution. The last 45 hours of a student’s degree must be completed at The University of Tulsa.
  • Students who have attempted a course at The University of Tulsa may not receive credit for that course from another university.

  • No transfer credit will be accepted toward core or major required courses; exceptions may be granted by the program director.

  • Science courses must have been completed within the past 3 years to apply to any degree plan; exceptions may be granted by the program director.

  • Course content varies over time and among institutions. Students who are transferring from other institutions or who have had a break in their degree program at The University of Tulsa must have their transcripts evaluated by the Oxley College of Health Sciences to determine which prior courses fulfill requirements toward a degree in the College.

  • Final/official transfer evaluations will be based on specific program requirements current at the time of a student’s first enrollment and will not necessarily apply to another curriculum if a student changes majors.

  • Prior to enrolling in summer courses at another institution, TU students must complete a transfer credit approval form which must be signed by the advisor or program director and the Associate Dean in order to receive transfer credit for the courses.

Returning to TU

  • If a student leaves TU without earning a degree and plans to return in less than one year without attending another institution, the student may apply for a leave of absence to ensure his or her right to remain. If the break is greater than one year, the student must reapply to the intended degree program and will be under the current degree plan. For students in the nursing program, if the break in attendance is greater than six semesters excluding summers, the student must retake all nursing courses beginning with the second semester sophomore courses.


Academic policies for the Oxley College of Health Sciences include the following:

  • Students in the Oxley College of Health Sciences may apply up to 18 semester hours of Pass/D-F coursework in general education electives or free electives toward a degree. Transfer hours and Orientation courses are not considered part of the 18 semester hours.

  • No more than one course of Pass/D-F coursework may be taken in a single semester. A maximum of three semester hours of activity courses (ATRG 1991, ATRG 1021, MUS 0XXX, etc.) may be used as a low-level free electives in the Oxley College of Health Sciences.

  • Credit by examination, including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and proficiency examinations consistent with University policy, will be acceptable toward the general education degree requirements. CLEP credits are not accepted. Credits will not be accepted for core or major courses.

  • No student in the Oxley College of Health Sciences may attempt any course in which a grade of F has been received in any two previous attempts, unless permission is obtained from the Associate Dean. Students who have failed a course may not subsequently take a proficiency exam as a replacement.

  • Students wishing to enroll in a course that has prerequisites must satisfactorily complete those prerequisites, according to policies of the academic program, before enrolling in the more advanced class, unless written permission of the program director is received prior to that enrollment.

  • Any substitutions relating to degree requirements must be approved by the program director and the Associate Dean.


Students on probation in the Oxley College of Health Sciences must follow all University regulations concerning probation. In addition, College probation policies are as follows:

  • Students will be limited to a maximum of 13 semester hours during a fall or spring semester and six hours during the entire summer session.

  • Students must follow other guidelines required by the dean.

  • Freshmen and sophomores on probation, and all students with a grade point average lower than 2.0 at the end of their sophomore year, must repeat certain courses for which a D grade is recorded during their next academic term in residence, provided the courses are in the official schedule of courses for that term. Courses to be repeated are specified by the student’s advisor.

  • A grade of F in any core class requires repetition at the next opportunity while the student is in residence. The advisor may require repetition of any core course that is a prerequisite to the courses failed.

5000 Level Courses

Students may take graduate courses at the 5000 level for undergraduate credit with permission from the department chair and instructor.

Academic Programs

Academic programs available in the Oxley College of Health Sciences include undergraduate programs, graduate programs and minor programs. Admission to certain degree programs may be limited and have additional academic requirements or a separate program application.


Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Go to information for Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.




Department of Kinesiology and Rehabilitative Sciences

Go to information for Department of Kinesiology and Rehabilitative Sciences.





School of Nursing

Go to information for School of Nursing.



Faculty of Community Medicine

Go to information for Faculty of Community Medicine.

Heath Sciences Interdisciplinary Programs

Go to information for Heath Sciences Interdisciplinary Programs.