Mar 11, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
German, B.A.
Tulsa Curriculum Requirements (53 hours)
Core Curriculum (28 hours)
General Curriculum (25 hours)****
- Block I Aesthetic Inquiry and Creative Experience (6 hours)
- Block II Historical and Social Interpretation (12 hours)
- Block III Scientific Investigation (7 hours including one lab)
German Major Requirements (30 hours)
German majors complete 30 hours at the 3000 and 4000 levels, with a minimum of 15 hours at the 4000 level. Three hours may be taken in German area studies courses offered by other departments (e.g., history, philosophy, music, art history, theatre, political science, English, or anthropology) or LANG 4003 Methods of Teaching Languages . Such courses must be approved in advance by the major advisor. In addition, majors fulfill a culture requirement by completing a course approved by their German major advisor. General Electives (26-29 hours)