International Business and Language, B.S.B.A., Additional Requirements
IBL majors must complete ENGL 1033 , MATH 1143 , MATH 1243 (or higher level math courses), and ENGL 3003 with a grade of C or higher.
IBL majors must complete each of the Business Core courses with a grade of C or higher, except for courses designated Pass/Fail.
ECON 2013 and ECON 2023 are required courses in the Business Core.
A foreign study experience and/or a foreign practical business experience of at least six weeks, approved by the faculty and the Center for Global Engagement, is required.
The student will be able to earn a second degree, Bachelor of Arts, with a major in French, German, or Spanish if they wish. Declaring the second degree is optional and is done through the Center for Academic Advising.
If a student pursues the self-designed major option for a language proficiency in Mandarin Chinese or Russian, declaration of the second degree is required. Neither the B.S. nor the B.A. will be awarded until the student has completed the requirements for both degrees.