2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin
Faculty of Community Medicine
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The Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) is a state-of-the-art psychiatric hospital and research center funded by the W. K. Warren Foundation. Currently, the following principal investigators at LIBR hold faculty appointments in the Tulsa University Faculty of Community Medicine (TUFCM).
The Tulsa University Faculty of Community Medicine (TUFCM) is an academic unit within the Oxley College of Health and Natural Sciences that supports the OU-TU School of Community Medicine (SCM)
For more information about the faculty of community medicine, visit the Faculty of Community Medicine webpage.
The SCM is a medical school which has been established under joint sponsorship of The University of Tulsa and the University of Oklahoma. It draws faculty from both institutions and is largely housed on the University of Oklahoma campus in Tulsa.
The TUFCM is under the administrative authority of the Dean of the Oxley College of Health and Natural Sciences of The University of Tulsa. Faculty in TUFCM teach in the SCM, and in that role their curriculum and supervision are under the dean of the medical school.
The school was established to address the need for more medical doctors in Oklahoma, especially ones who work in family practice, internal medicine and pediatrics in underserved rural and urban communities. The school follows a curriculum that integrates medical science and clinical experience required to earn the M.D. degree. The first class was admitted in 2015.
For admission and curriculum requirements, visit the OU College of Medicine webpage. The Early Careers in Community Medicine (ECCM) program provides highly qualified undergraduate students at The University of Tulsa with a unique opportunity to pursue an early provisional acceptance into the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine program, leading to an M.D. degree. For information regarding eligibility and application requirements, visit the ECCM webpage.
ProgramsMajorCoursesHealth Care Delivery Science
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