Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin

Collins College of Business Academic Policies

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Students enrolled in the Collins College of Business must follow all University academic policies  as well as College-specific academic policies.

Transfer Policies

  • At least 50% of the business credit hours required for the business degree (other than economics) must be completed at The University of Tulsa.
  • Prior to matriculation at TU students may earn credit for Econ 2013 and/or Econ 2023 through Advanced Placement exams.
  • Prior to matriculation at TU students may receive transfer credit for Econ 2013 and/or Econ 2023 completed at a non AACSB accredited university if the student earned a grade of C or better in the course.
  • The Collins College of Business will not accept transfer credit from community colleges or other two-year colleges after a student has completed 60 hours of college work, either at TU or in a combination of work at TU and external transfer coursework/credits by exam.
  • Business majors must earn eligible transfer credits at an AACSB-accredited program for application towards a business degree unless covered by an articulation agreement.
  • No transfer credit will be accepted toward the business core or major required courses following matriculation at The University of Tulsa, with the following exception: a maximum of six hours taken during a summer term may be transferred from an AACSB-accredited program. A business major who earns credit for a 3000/4000 level course taken at a non AACSB accredited university may only receive transfer credit for an upper level free elective subject to the constraints specified above.

Academic Policies

  • Electives: Students in the Collins College of Business may apply up to 18 semester hours of Pass/D-F coursework in general education electives or free electives toward a degree. Transfer hours, FYE 1001 , BUS 2001 , BIS 1001 , and major discipline internships are not considered part of the 18 semester hours.

  • No more than four semester hours of Pass/D-F coursework may be taken in one semester.

  • No more than three semester hours of activity courses (such as MUS 0XXX) may be used as a low-level free elective in the Collins College of Business.

  • No more than three semester hours of internship credit may count toward a B.S.B.A. degree.

  • Credit by examination, including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and proficiency examinations consistent with University policy, will be acceptable toward the degree. Select CLEP credits are accepted by the college. The link to the CLEP page can be found here: https://utulsa.edu/admissions/apply/transfer-applicants/transfer-credit-and-credit-by-exam/clep/

  • A grade of F in any business core course requires repetition at the next opportunity while the student is in residence. The advisor may require repetition of any core course that is a prerequisite to the course(s) failed.

  • Students who have failed a course may not subsequently take a proficiency exam as a replacement.

  • Students who have attempted a course at The University of Tulsa may not receive credit for that course from another university.

  • Readmittance to the Collins College of Business degree programs: Students who expect to break their progress in a Collins College of Business degree program for up to one year may apply for a leave of absence, ensuring their right to remain in the degree program of their current enrollment. Students who do not complete any courses at The University of Tulsa for more than one calendar year must reapply for admission to the Collins College of Business and, if readmitted, will be under the degree program in effect at the time of their readmission.

  • A maximum of 30 hours of course credits in one discipline may be applied toward B.S.B.A. degree requirements. All B.S.B.A. students must complete 48 hours of credit from 3000- and 4000-level courses in order to qualify for graduation.

  • Business students enrolled in junior- and senior-level (3000- and 4000-level) business and major required courses are expected to have achieved junior standing and must have completed the following business core classes with grades of C or higher: ENGL 1033 ; FS 1963 ; ACCT 2113  and ACCT 2123 ; BIS 2003 , ECON 2013  and ECON 2023 ; MATH 1143  and MATH 1243 ; BL 2013 ; and QM 2013  and QM 2023 .

  • Business students enrolled in junior- and senior-level (3000- and 4000-level) business and major required courses must have completed the following business core classes with grades of P: FYE 1001, BUS 2001, and BIS 1001.

  • A grade point average of at least 2.0 in the major and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 must be maintained for a student to graduate.

  • A minimum grade of C is required for all business core courses.

  • Students wishing to enroll in courses that have prerequisites must satisfactorily complete those prerequisites before enrolling in the more advanced class, unless granted written permission by the Associate Dean prior to that enrollment.

  • The core courses in the Honors Program are credited to the student’s general curriculum requirement. Students may choose to do independent research as part of their Honors Plan. In that case, a student’s directed research is applied either as elective or as major required hours.


  • Freshmen and sophomores on probation, and all students with a grade point average lower than 2.0 at the end of their sophomore year, must repeat certain courses for which a D grade is recorded during their next academic term in residence, provided the courses are in the official schedule of courses for that term. Courses to be repeated are specified by the student’s advisor. This usually includes business core courses normally taken during the freshman and sophomore year.