Feb 09, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Bulletin 
2023-2024 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Accreditation and Assessment


The University of Tulsa is a national doctoral institution and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (https://www.hlcommission.org/)  and approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (https://okhighered.org/). The University has several educational programs that are nationally accredited by specialized accreditation associations.

In the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences, the deaf education program is accredited by the Council on Education of the Deaf (https://councilondeafed.org/). Programs in elementary education, English education, and math education are accredited by the Oklahoma Office for Educational Quality and Accountability (https://www.schoolreportcard.org/). The Ph.D. program in clinical psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association (https://www.apa.org/). The School of Music of The University of Tulsa is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) https://nasm.arts-accredit.org/). The following degrees are listed by NASM: Bachelor of Arts in Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Music in Performance, and Bachelor of Music in Composition.

The Collins College of Business is accredited at both the graduate and undergraduate levels by AACSB International-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (https://www.aacsb.edu/). The TU undergraduate and graduate energy management programs are accredited by the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL) (https://www.landman.org/).  

The College of Engineering and Natural Sciences is an institutional member of the American Society for Engineering Education (https://www.asee.org/). The Bachelor of Science degree programs in chemical engineering, electrical engineering, engineering physics, mechanical engineering, and petroleum engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (https://www.abet.org/). The Bachelor of Science degree program in computer science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET (https://www.abet.org/). The Bachelor of Science degree programs in chemistry and biochemistry are approved by the American Chemical Society (https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en.html).

In the Oxley College of Health Sciences, the baccalaureate nursing program is approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing and accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) (https://www.acenursing.org/), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326. The Master of Athletic Training Professional Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) (https://caate.net/) and coursework is designed to prepare students for national athletic training certification through the Board of Certification (BOC) Inc (https://www.bocatc.org/). The Master of Science program in speech-language pathology is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (https://prep.asha.org/), 2200 Research Boulevard #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) programs are approved by the Oklahoma Board of Nursing (https://nursing.ok.gov/). The D.N.P. program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) (https://www.acenursing.org/), 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326. The D.N.P. Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) programs are accredited by the ACEN (https://www.acenursing.org/). The D.N.P. Nurse Anesthesia program is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA) (https://www.coacrna.org/), 222. S. Prospect Avenue, Park Ridge, IL, 60068-4001, 847-692-7137. The School of Nursing is a member of the National League for Nursing (https://www.nln.org/) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (https://www.aacnnursing.org/).

The University of Tulsa College of Law is fully accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) Council Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar (address: 321 N. Clark St., 21st Floor, Chicago, IL 60654 / phone: 312.988.6738 / email: legaled@americanbar.org / website: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/legal_education/contact_us.html) since 1953.


The University of Tulsa demonstrates, through its ongoing assessment initiatives, a commitment to educational achievement and improvement of student learning. Institutional level methods focus on student attainment of The University of Tulsa mission. Institutional learning outcomes are measured at the college, program, and course level.

The annual academic review process is a faculty-driven initiative that measures attainment of program learning objectives for undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs. The Annual Program Assessment Report provides evidence that The University of Tulsa is satisfying its mission using information gained each academic year to evaluate the effectiveness of its academic programs, evolve and improve student learning. The review processes also guide faculty with programmatic and curriculum changes.

Academic program reviews provide mechanisms and a system for TU faculty and administration to assess the alignment of the program with The University of Tulsa’s mission and program learning outcomes; to evaluate the effectiveness, progress, and status of TU’s academic programs on a continuing basis; and, through the feedback loop, to continuously improve programs to benefit students.

Students are also provided opportunities to give direct feedback to faculty about learning experiences at the course level through end-of-semester course evaluations.

Results of these activities are analyzed for trends and evidence of student learning and proficiency. Results are compared to national cohorts. Student confidentiality is maintained by removing identifiers from artifacts prior to analyzing data and presenting results to stakeholders. Collectively, these assessment activities provide faculty with a comprehensive picture of what is working well for students and faculty and areas where opportunities for improvement exist.