Feb 11, 2025  
2022-2023 LAW Bulletin 
2022-2023 LAW Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Tuition and Fees



Unless indicated otherwise, figures in this section are for fall and spring 2022-2023 and are subject to change without notice at the beginning of any semester.

Cost of Attendance 2022-2023


Full-time, 12 or more hours, per semester $13,843.00
Reduced Load, 8-11 hours, per semester $9,690.00
Reduced Load, 5-7 hours, per semester $7,591.00
Cost per Credit Hour $1,126.00


Health fee $100.00
Law School Application Fee, non-refundable $30.00
Law School Student Services Fee, one-time charge for first-time enrollees $100.00
Law School Student Services Fee, per semester $22.00
Student Association Fee, full-time Law $80.00
Student Association Fee, less than full-time Law, per hour $7.00
Student Bar Association Fee, per semester $15.00
Community Fee, all full-time students, per semester $125.00
International Student Services Fee, per semester, non-refundable $180.00
One-time Enrollment Fee $200.00
Student Medical Insurance, full-time and reduced-load Law students, per      year. Opt-out provision available. $2,297.00
Technology fee, all full time students, per semester $250.00

Other Estimated Costs of Attendance

Full-Time Enrollment, living off-campus, subject to change each year  
Books $1,500.00
Room and Board $11,200.00
Travel $3,650.00
Personal $6,650.00
Loan Fees $950.00

Payment of Accounts

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all educational expenses are paid during the semester in which they are incurred. If financial aid does not cover all of the student’s expenses, the student may pay the balance in full or enroll in a monthly payment plan. Contact the Bursar’s Office at 918-631-2600 for information regarding the monthly payment plan. A nominal fee will be assessed to establish a payment plan. The University of Tulsa provides monthly e-statements on all accounts with an unpaid balance regardless of pending aid, payment plans, or financial support from other off-campus sources.

Students will receive messages via their utulsa.edu addresses advising them when statements are available for review on the TU Portal. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that his/her financial obligations to TU are resolved in a timely manner.

Fall billing will begin on July 1.

New students enrolled prior to August 1: In order to avoid enrollment cancellation, any balance not covered by financial aid must be paid in full or a payment plan must be established with 20% down payment by August 1.

New students who enroll after August 1: In order to avoid enrollment cancellation, any balance not covered by financial aid must be paid in full or a payment plan must be established with a 20% down payment due immediately upon enrollment.

Currently enrolled students: Any unpaid balance not covered by financial aid, must either be paid in full or a payment plan must be established with 20% down payment. Payment must be received by the Friday prior to the start of the semester. Currently enrolled students with an unpaid balance will not be allowed to enroll in subsequent semesters. Payments must be current to be in good standing. Payment plans cannot cover multiple semesters.

Non-payment per the terms above or a failed payment plan will result in cancellation of enrollment. A failed payment plan is considered to be two missed payments and or two payments that have been returned unpaid. VA beneficiaries are not penalized for delayed VA payments.

Payments not made when due will be subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month.

Participation in a payment plan does not guarantee enrollment in future semesters or a release of transcript or diploma. A failed or delinquent payment plan may result in cancellation of enrollment, will result in an enrollment hold for future semesters, and denial of access to transcripts and diplomas. If an account remains unpaid, the University reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the student from classes; withhold grades, transcripts, and diplomas; deny future enrollment; and require the student to move from student housing.

The university accepts charges on valid VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. A processing fee of 2.95 percent of the amount paid ($3 minimum) will be assessed against online student account payments that are made by credit card and debit card.


If a student withdraws from his or her courses at the University, he or she may receive reduction of tuition based upon the following schedule. The reduction shall be calculated from the date on which application for withdrawal is processed. The University shall follow federally mandated refund schedules as they apply. Failure to attend classes does not constitute an official withdrawal or drop.

Refund Schedule for Fall and Spring semesters  
First day of classes 100%
Day 2 through end of first week 90%
Second and third week 50%
Fourth through seventh week 25%
Remainder of semester 0%
Refund Schedule for Summer Session
First day of classes
Days 2 - 4 80%
Days 5 - 7 50%
Days 8 - 10 25%
After 10 days
Financial aid recipients receiving refunds will have their refunds returned to the proper aid accounts as determined by the Student Financial Services Office pursuant to federal guidelines. The prescribed order of refund distribution is to FFEL programs, Federal Pell Grant Program, and to other Student Financial Aid Programs.

Insurance and Immunization Requirements

Student Health Insurance. The University of Tulsa strongly recommends all students maintain private insurance which provides for benefits in the State of Oklahoma or participate in the Student Health Insurance Plan while enrolled at TU. All Graduate students awarded an university assistantship, students enrolled in TU’s Nursing programs, Intercollegiate Athletics, and International students taking one (1) or more credit hours are required to purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan.  

Students who are required to have Student Health Insurance will be automatically enrolled and the cost of coverage is added to their university bill each semester. However, the charge will be removed upon verification of other appropriate coverage.  Verification must be received annually by September 15th for students enrolling in the fall semester and January 31st for students enrolling for the first time in the spring semester.

For information on health insurance coverage offered through the University, visit the TU Student Health Insurance Plan Website.

Student Renter’s Insurance. Renter’s insurance is recommended for all students living in on campus or other away-from-home accommodations. In many cases, parents’ homeowner policies will cover expenses related to dependents’ expenses in external locations. However, it is wise to conduct an insurance review to assure that a student has the appropriate amount of coverage.

Immunization Policy. State law requires that all students who attend Oklahoma colleges and universities provide written documentation of immunization against hepatitis B, and measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). Students who reside in on-campus housing are also required to be immunized against meningococcal (meningitis) disease. For more information on health services and immunization requirements, visit the Alexander Health Center at https://utulsa.edu/health-center/  

Parking and Bicycle Permits

All University students, faculty, and staff must register motor vehicles and bicycles that are to be parked or utilized on University parking lots, streets or bicycle racks. For information regarding permits and parking regulations visit Parking Services.

TU One Card

The Parking and Card Services office in Fisher Hall issues identification cards to all students and University employees. The cards are required for admission to the campus libraries, dining hall, residence halls, labs, selected classrooms and other facilities. Students are required to carry their TU One Cards at all times on University property and at University events, and to present it to University officials when requested. ID cards may not be loaned to anyone at any time. Disciplinary action will be taken against a student who fraudulently uses another’s card, and against a cardholder who permits fraudulent use of his or her card.

The TU One Card is used for admission to Student Association-sponsored programs and University athletic events. Students at The University of Tulsa are allowed one free student ticket to each athletic event. Students must present their valid University of Tulsa ID and ticket for admittance to athletic events. For more information regarding the athletic event ticket policy, visit Department of Athletics Student Ticket page.

Hurricane Gold Dollars

Hurricane Gold Dollars is a safe and convenient option for on- and off-campus dining and shopping. Hurricane Gold Dollars reduces the need to carry or keep cash on hand. It is a non-interest-bearing declining balance convenience account, not a credit card or a checking account, and is tied to a student’s TU One Card. Hurricane Gold Dollars may be used at all campus dining locations, at the bookstore, in vending machines and at many off-campus merchants and restaurants.

Purchases are deducted from the student’s account when the ID card is swiped at the register. When the deposited limit is reached, a student may add funds to the card by simply prepaying an amount ($25.00 or more) into the student’s Hurricane Gold Dollars account at the Parking and Card Services office in Fisher Hall or in the Bursar’s Office in McClure Hall.

Banking regulations and University policy prohibit cash withdrawals during the academic year, but remaining balances are fully refundable at the end of the spring semester or upon withdrawal from the University. Requests for withdrawal of funds must be presented in writing.

If a student loses a TU One Card, especially when there is money in his or her Hurricane Gold or Dining Dollars account, he or she should notify the Parking and Card Services office immediately. The student will be responsible for all transactions made by the student or by anyone else who uses the card, even if lost. However, to minimize loss, a $20.00 per day spending limit has been established for all vending locations. The Parking and Card Services office will instantly change the account number to protect the account from unauthorized use and will issue a replacement TU One Card. There is a fee for a replacement card.

Loss of an ID after normal business hours can be reported to any Hurricane Gold location with a cash register - e.g., the Hut or Pat Case Dining Center - which can “lock out” use of the missing card. Then, when the Parking and Card Services office reopens, the account number can be changed and the account reactivated. If this is not convenient, the student should leave a message on the voice mail at the Parking and Card Services office. Invalidation of the card will occur on the morning of the next business day. The University of Tulsa is not responsible for cash balances of lost cards.