Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Graduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

All Courses


Computer Science

  • CS 9981-9 Research and Dissertation

    (1-9 hours)
    Original research on some problem within the field of computer science on the Ph.D. level. Prerequisites: Admission to Ph.D. program, completion of comprehensive examinations, consent of instructor.
  • CS 9991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)
    Individual studies of advanced topics at the Ph.D. level. Selected study is performed by appointment with the faculty. Prerequisite: Admission to Ph.D. program, consent of instructor.

Cyber Security - Professional Track

  • CYPR 7083 Security Auditing and Penetration Testing

    (3 Hours)
    Hands-on network penetration and ethical hacking. Profiling, enumeration, vulnerability analysis, exploitation and reporting. Lock picking. Password cracking. Wireless hacking. Anti-virus evasion. Fuzzing. SQL injection. VoIP hacking. RFID hacking. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • CYPR 7143 Security Economics

    (3 Hours)
    Introduces economics as a tool for understanding and managing information security. Reviews key
    information security challenges and technologies in order to reason about the topics economically. 
    Introduction to techniques of analytic and empirical modeling.  Models and metrics of security investment with cost-benefit analysis techniques.  Empirical investigation and measurement of cybercrime. Security games designed to capture the strategic interaction between defenders, and between attacker and defenders. Implications for public policy are discussed.  Prerequisite: CS 2123 or permission of instructor.
  • CYPR 7153 Foundations of Cyber Security

    (3 Hours)
    Introduction to cyber security concepts and topics. The security of socio­technical systems will be studied by examining a range of threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures. Topics include software security, malware, keylogging, data loss and privacy. In addition to technical approaches, human factors, economic, legal and ethical issues will be considered. Students will
    participate in discussions and hands on projects. Prerequisite: CS 2123 or permission of instructor.
  • CYPR 7173 Defensive Cyber Security Technologies

    (3 Hours)
    Explores essential defensive cyber security concepts and technologies used by modern organizations. Based upon recommendations and guidance from internationally-recognized security frameworks and documented best practices, will examine information security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities faced by modern organizations and use. Corequisite: CYPR 7153  
  • CYPR 7223 Network Security Concepts and Applications

    (3 Hours)
    Covers principles of computer networks and network security design and operation. Principles of computer networks: requirements, connectivity levels, layered architectures and applications. Direct link networks, packet switched networks, IP and internetworking. Core perimeter security fundamentals and network security components. Layered security and defense in depth. Packet filtering, routers as security devices, intrusion detection systems, IPSec and VPNs. Incident response, design fundamentals and security assessments. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • CYPR 7373 System Security and Cryptography

    (3 Hours)
    Technical aspects of computer, network and information system security. Concepts, principles, models and techniques of access control, authentication, secure communication and audit. Security system design, engineering and operation. Fundamentals and applications of cryptography. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • CYPR 7483 Computer and Network Forensics

    (3 Hours)
    Procedures for the identification, preservation, and extraction of electronic evidence. Auditing and investigation of network and host intrusions. Forensic tools and resources for systems administrators and information system security officers. Prerequisite: CS 4153 and permission of instructor required.
  • CYPR 7493 Secure System Administration

    (3 Hours)
    Accepted best practices and guidelines to secure information systems and networks. Detection of abnormal events, intrusion detection, incident handling, response and recovery. Security policies, system configuration, integration, and
    maintenance. Prerequisite: CS 7443 .
  • CYPR 7863 Special Topics in Computer Science

    (3 Hours)
    Devoted to various advanced topics of general computer science not covered by the regular curriculum. May be repeated with change of topic, maximum credit six hours. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.


  • ECON 6083 International Economics

    3 Hours
    The theory of international trade and payments with attention to trade policy and the
    interaction of trade and development. Prerequisite: ECON 2013 or 2023.
  • ECON 6163 Policy Analysis

    (3 Hours)
    Provides analytic concepts and tools for understanding public policy and analyzing specific policies. Comprehensively treats
    rationales for public policy-describing limitations to effective public policy and generic policy solutions, and treating the issue
    of the appropriate match between policy tools and particular market failures.
  • ECON 7993 Independent Study

    (3 hours)
    Independent Study

Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • ECE 6163 Computer Hardware Techniques

    (3 hours)
    Use of hardware description language (HDL) to implement hardware using a field programmable gate array (FPGA). Hardware techniques employed in various computer architectures, including microprocessors, supercomputers, exotic and special purpose computers, will be implemented using the FPGA. Instruction set design, instruction and data flow will be covered. Prerequisites: ECE 2163 and 2161.
  • ECE 6173 Computer Networks

    (3 hours)
    Principles of modern network communications. The OSI model from the physical layer to the application layer with emphasis on engineering limitation and solutions. Transmission media, error control, channel allocation, congestion, routing, transport protocols, performance issues, security, and modern network resource. Prerequisite: ECE 4073 or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 6233 Alternative Energy Sources

    (3 hours)
    Basic knowledge and tools necessary for an engineering approach to the study of alternate and renewable energy systems. Introduces students to different sources of renewable energy and the way they work. Study the different approaches to utilizing renewable energy resources and different systems needed for utilizing these resources such as inverters and transformers. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • ECE 6243 Applied Electronics

    (3 hours)
    Principles of operation and design of application specific electronic circuits, including comparator, differential line driver, class-E amplifier, regulator, instrumentation and communication circuits. Prerequisite: ECE 4043 or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 6273 Optical Networking

    (3 hours)
    Basic level of proficiency in the design of optical networks. Capabilities and limitations of common network components, knowledge of common protocols to network design choices. Concepts that impact the quality of service requirements of a network. Develops basic skills with telecommunication equipment through series of laboratories. Prerequisite: ECE 3113. Concurrent enrollment in ECE 6403  is strongly suggested.
  • ECE 6403 Information and Communication Systems

    (3 hours)
    Information, its meaning and quantification. Modulation and transmission of information, classification and modeling of noise sources and their effects in communication systems. Introduction to the signal extraction problem. Prerequisites: ECE 3113 and STAT 4813.
  • ECE 6423 Radio Frequency Engineering

    (3 hours)
    Introduction to radio frequency engineering. Basics behind the analysis and design of radio frequency components.  Transmission line and microwave network analysis.  Use of the Smith Chart and signal flow graphs. Impedance matching, filters, and mixer. Prerequisite: ECE 3023 or PHYS 4023.
  • ECE 6433 Power Systems Analysis

    (3 hours)
    Principles of balanced and unbalanced poly-phase AC power systems. Load flow, component models and parameters. Prerequisites: ECE 3033.
  • ECE 6443 VLSI Design

    (3 hours)
    Hierarchal design methodology for very large scale integration of nMOS and CMOS. Physics of MOS devices. Design rules checking computer-aided design tools. Prerequisites: ECE 4043 and ECE 2163.
  • ECE 6453 Modern Control Systems

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and design of analog and digital control systems. Nonlinear and discrete data systems, concepts of controllability and observability, state variable feedback compensation. Introduction to parameter identification, adaptive, and optimal control systems. Prerequisites: ECE 4053.
  • ECE 6473 Introduction to Neural Networks

    (3 hours)
    An introduction to artificial neural network models, learning algorithms, implementations and applications. Associative memories, Hopfield nets, supervised and reinforcement learning, Adaptive Resonance Theory. Prerequisites: ECE 2003 and MATH 3073.
  • ECE 6513 Digital Signal Processing

    (3 hours)
    An introductory course in digital signal processing and digital filtering. Topics include sampled data systems, modeling and analysis of digital filter design. Course material is applicable to a wide range of data processing applications. Prerequisite: ECE 3113 or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 6523 Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications

    (3 hours)
    Introduction to radio frequency identification (RFID) systems. Basics behind RFID, attachment of sensors to RFID tags, interrogator design, RFID communication protocols, security, privacy, RFID standards, and methods to store data on RFID tags. Passive, battery assisted passive, and active RFID systems. Applications of RFID in areas such as healthcare, supply chain management, and business intelligence. Prerequisites: ECE 2163, 4043, and 3023, or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 6563 Microprocessors in Digital Design

    (3 hours)
    Detailed survey of major microprocessor families with emphasis on architectural development of the processor family; the microcomputer system (the microprocessor and its support chips); application of microprocessor systems to realistic engineering problems; the microprocessor as a system component; single chip complete systems; and large, word-length, multi-chip systems. Prerequisites: ECE 2163 and either ECE 2063 or CS 2033.
  • ECE 6623 Electro-optics

    (3 hours)
    Basic optical systems and design. Polarization-based systems, Interferometry, Diffraction, Opto-electronics, Lasers, Detection. Coherence. Fiber optics. Prerequisites: ECE 3023 or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 6723 Robotics

    (3 hours)
    Basic theories of robot mechanisms and their implications for engineers involved in analysis or design of robot manipulators. Kinematics, dynamics, and control aspects of designing robot arms. Spatial descriptions and transformations. Laboratory using both open-loop and closed-loop robots.
  • ECE 6863 Special Topics

    (3 Hours)
  • ECE 7013 Random Processes in Engineering

    (3 hours)
    A review of probability and an introduction to stochastic processes as used in communication and control. Topics include probability theory, random variables, expected values and moments, multivariate Gaussian distributions, stochastic processes, autocorrelation and power spectral densities, and an introduction to estimation and queuing theory. Prerequisite: ECE 4073 or equivalent.
  • ECE 7023 Electromagnetic Theory

    (3 hours)
    Reflection and transmission of waves. Uniqueness, image theory, equivalence principle reciprocity and Green’s Functions. Plane wave functions, rectangular waveguide, partially filled waveguide, model expansion of fields. Cylindrical wave functions, circular waveguide, scattering by cylinders. Spherical wave functions, scattering by spheres. Prerequisite: ECE 3023 or equivalent.
  • ECE 7063 Computer Engineering

    (3 hours)
    Design techniques and components of programmable digital systems. Microprocessors, read only memories, and microprogramming. Input/output interface methods, design criteria of random access and mass storage memories, minicomputers, and digital controller architecture. Prerequisite: ECE 4263 or equivalent.
  • ECE 7073 Fundamentals of Engineering and Management

    (3 hours)
    Issues facing engineers in the modern industrial environment, including management of technology, total quality management, project management, technology transfer, ethics, professionalism, and intellectual property. The objective is to develop understanding and skills relevant to important but non-technical issues facing engineers in modern competitive global business environments and international standardization of product design.
  • ECE 7133 Power System Reliability

    (3 hours)
    Fundamental techniques and concepts for evaluating the long- and short-term reliability of any system, probability and Markov processes, static spinning generation capacity; transmission lines; composite, interconnected and DC system reliability evaluation; frequency and duration techniques. Prerequisite: STAT 4813 or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 7243 Power Electronics

    (3 hours)
    Rigorous study of solid-state power electronic devices, converter, rectifiers, choppers, and power supplies. Over current protection requirements and cooling requirements. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • ECE 7263 Advanced Hardware Architecture

    (3 hours)
    Overview of superscalar and high-performance computing architecture and hardware implementation techniques.  Implementation of processing cores and memory systems using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Prerequisites: ECE 2263 and either ECE 4163 or ECE 6163, or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 7353 Aircraft Systems, Simulation, and Control

    (3 Hours)
    Modeling of basic aircraft dynamics, propulsion, and control mechanisms, integration of sensor and digital computing and control systems, and aircraft simulation for the purpose of system development and verification. Prerequisites: ECE 4053 or ME 4054.
  • ECE 7363 Computer Architecture

    (3 hours)
    Overview of the metrics used to evaluate performance of a computing platform and the techniques employed to improve performance. Topics include memory hierarchy; architectures to expose instruction-level, data-level, and thread-level parallelism, vector processors, and warehouse scale computing. Prerequisites: ECE 7063  and ECE 6163  or permission of instructor.
  • ECE 7861-3 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

    (1-3 hours)
    Content varies yearly. Typical topics include advanced analysis and design of communications and signal processing systems, wave propagation, advanced circuits, microelectronics, energy conversion, and transportation systems. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • ECE 7913 Design Report

    (3 hours)
    Individual report on individual or group design studies. Public design review with committee is required. Pass-fail basis only. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • ECE 7961 Residency

    (1 hour)
    See Graduate Residency (7961)
  • ECE 7971 Graduate Seminar

    (1 hour)
  • ECE 7981-6 Research and Thesis

    (1-6 hours)
    Directed research on a problem in an approved area. Written thesis and formal defense before graduate committee is required. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
  • ECE 7991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)
    Individual or group studies of advanced topics. Selected study is done by appointment with the faculty.
  • ECE 9981-9 Research and Dissertation

    (1 - 9 hours)
    Original research on some problem within the field of electrical or computer engineering on the Ph.D. level.  Prerequisites: Admission to Ph.D. program, completion of comprehensive examinations, and permission of instructor.
  • ECE 9991-3 Independent Study

    (1 - 3 hours)
    Individual studies of advanced topics at the Ph.D. level.  Selected study is performed by appointment with the faculty. Prerequisites: Admission to the Ph.D. program and permission of instructor.

Energy Management

  • EMGT 6013 Fundamentals of Energy Commodity Trading

    (3 hours)
    Provides an understanding and appreciation of the physical chain and the economics associated with the transportation of natural gas from the ”wellhead to the burnertip.” Covers the regulatory background of the industry, contracts, physical and financial trading (NYMEX contract, basis swaps, options and hedging), elementary technical analysis, risk control and weather
  • EMGT 6053 Energy Logistics and Value Chain

    (3 hours)
    Investigation of the logistics and “value chain” aspects of moving energy resources, products and supplies from the point of production to the marketplace (“midstream” and “downstream” components). Addresses the following resource/product groups-oil & refined products (gathering, intermodal transportation, refining, retail, exports), natural gas (gather & processing, transportation & storage, distribution, LNG exports), NGLs (fractionation, transportation & storage, exports), electricity (production - traditional & alternative/renewable, transmission, distribution, smart grid and distributed generation). 
  • EMGT 6063 Project Management and Business Analysis

    (3 hours)
    Study of contemporary project management tools, processes, and approaches used in business, particularly as they relate to the energy industry. The focus is on business analysis and operational efficiency.
  • EMGT 6073 Geographic Information Systems for Energy Applications

    A detailed analysis of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with an emphasis on: 1) fundamental concepts of GIS; 2) GIS in acquisition of property rights; 3) GIS in exploration and production; 4) GIS in pipelines; 5) GIS in alternative energy sources; 6) data acquisition; 7) data analysis; and 8) key terms and regulatory requirements pertaining to GIS and the energy industry.
  • EMGT 6083 Power Industry and Alternative/Renewable Energy

    (3 Hours)
    A study of the electric power industry, with specific focus on all sources, industry organization, logistics & value chain, power
    demand management, conservation, and energy efficiency. Demand response methods and programs, as well as, smart grids will be discussed. Case studies in alternative power generation will also be utilized.
  • EMGT 7013 Energy Mergers, Acquisitions, Deal Making, and Financing

    (3 hours)
    Survey of the operational and financial aspects of mergers, acquisitions, and related transactions in the domestic and international energy industry.
  • EMGT 7110 Orientation Seminar

    (0 hours)
    A non-credit laboratory course required for graduation that serves as orientation to The University of Tulsa and the Master of Science in Global Energy. Focused on industry engagement, communication, teamwork, organizational skills, writing, and time management.
  • EMGT 7123 Management of Multinational Energy Enterprises

    (3 hours)
    A study of various aspects associated with managing and making financial decisions in a multinational enterprise environment in the energy industry.
  • EMGT 7133 Marketing and Distribution of Petroleum and Petrochemical Products

    (3 hours)
    Survey of the contemporary principles and practices of marketing and distributing petroleum products from the point of refining and product creation to the point of delivery and sale. Covers existing and future petroleum products and services, product transportation & logistics, the marketplace for petroleum products (bulk wholesalers, convenience stores, retail service stations, etc.), the downstream oil and gas value chain, and comparative domestic and international business models (including marketing channels, market segmentation, and pricing schemes).
  • EMGT 7243 Governance, Strategy, and Value Creation in the Energy Firm

    (3 hours)
    A comparative investigation of the decisions, strategies, and tactics that executives pursue to exercise corporate governance and to relentlessly create value for their shareholders / stakeholders. Presents appropriate theory, practice, and cases associated with the energy industry, along with direct contributions from industry leaders.
  • EMGT 7973 Advanced Seminar in Energy Management

    (3 hours)
    Study of a current topic or issue in energy business and commerce, or of a specific industry segment. Selections rotate according to the interests of faculty and students, and may encompass the broad business dimensions of management, marketing, operations, accounting, finance, economics, law, or policy in the energy arena.
  • MEB 7253 Strategic Management in the Energy Enterprise

    (3 Hours)
    Strategic Management in the Energy Enterprise focuses on critically analyzing business environments by applying major business strategy theories and frameworks.  Complex business cases are examined to assess an enterprise’s competitive
    advantage and generate creative solutions to strategic problems.

Engineering Science

  • ES 7010 Graduate Seminar

    (0 hours)
    Expose graduate students to current research in broad fields through invited guest lectures from faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and research scientists. Assist students with a better understanding of state of the art research techniques and presentation techniques.


  • ENGL 6033 Academic Writing for Graduate Students

    (3 hours)
    An academic writing course where advanced multilingual students explore a variety of critical and rhetorical approaches for American academic reading and writing
  • ENGL 6803 Special Topics in Literature and Language II

    (3 Hours)
    Special Topics in Literature and Language II
  • ENGL 7023 Creative Writing Workshop

    (3 hours)
    A workshop for those who wish to develop their skills as writers (and readers) of fiction and non-fiction prose.
  • ENGL 7053 Theory I

    (3 hours)
    Studies in the history of criticism from Plato through the 19th century.
  • ENGL 7063 Theory II

    (3 hours)
    Studies in 20th-century theory, with emphasis on a contemporary theory or theories.
  • ENGL 7073 Feminist Theory

    (3 hours)
    Studies in theory and criticism by feminist writers.
  • ENGL 7153 Shakespeare

    (3 hours)
    A selective survey of Shakespeare’s career and of contemporary Shakespeare criticism, with attention to relevant institutional contexts and theoretical problems.
  • ENGL 7183 Early Modern Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from seventeenth-century Britain.
  • ENGL 7193 Restoration and 18th-Century British Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from eighteenth-century Britain.
  • ENGL 7213 African American Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from the field of African American Literature.
  • ENGL 7223 18th-Century British Fiction

    (3 hours)
    Readings of British prose fiction of the 18th century, chosen from works by Behn, Bunyan, Swift, Defoe, Richardson, Manley, Henry Fielding, Sarah Fielding, Haywood, Lennox, Sterne, Smollett, Goldsmith, Mackenzie, and others.
  • ENGL 7283 Romantic Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from the Romantic period.
  • ENGL 7383 19th-Century British Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from nineteenth-century Britain.
  • ENGL 7453 Modern Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from the modernist period.
  • ENGL 7483 Twentieth-Century British Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from modern Britain.
  • ENGL 7513 Early American Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from early America.
  • ENGL 7523 19th-Century American Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from nineteenth-century America.
  • ENGL 7533 Twentieth-Century American Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from twentieth-century America.
  • ENGL 7543 Contemporary American Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from contemporary America.
  • ENGL 7563 Transatlantic Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of transatlantic literary and social materials.
  • ENGL 7573 Contemporary British and Anglophone Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of contemporary Anglophone literary and social materials.
  • ENGL 7863 Special Topics in English Literature

    (3 hours)
    The study of special topics in English Language and Literature. Topics vary.
  • ENGL 7961 Residency

    (1 hour)
    See Graduate Residency (7961)
  • ENGL 7991-3 Directed Writing

    (1-3 hours)
    Directed Writing
  • ENGL 8103 Representative Figures

    (3 hours)
    The art and life of major literary figures drawn from all periods and from all literatures written in English.
  • ENGL 8123 Gender Formation in Modern Literature

    (3 hours)
    Inquiry into the construction of gender in texts written in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • ENGL 8133 Restoration and 18th-Century Women Writers

    (3 hours)
    A study of women’s writing in the Restoration and 18th century from the perspective of genre. Topics vary.
  • ENGL 8143 Women’s Writings: Texts and Contexts

    (3 hours)
    Analysis and contextualization of literary and social materials from the field of women’s writings.
  • ENGL 8153 20th-Century Women Writers

    (3 hours)
    A study of women’s writing in the 20th century from the perspective of genre. Topics vary.
  • ENGL 8163 Special Topics in Women’s Literature

    (3 hours)
    The study of special topics in women’s literature from the perspectives of theme (The Female Subject), motif (The Body in Women’s Literature), literary movements, etc.
  • ENGL 8173 Special Topics in Literature before 1800

    (3 hours)
    Special topics in literature from the perspectives of cultural change (Literature and Literacy, 1530-1642), politics (Literary Representation and Social Conflict in the English Renaissance), contemporary theory (Discursive Economies of the Renaissance), etc.
  • ENGL 8183 Special Topics in 19th-Century British Literature

    (3 hours)
    Special topics in literature from the perspectives of history (The Industrial Revolution), aesthetics (Literature and Art in Victorian England), gender (The New Woman), literary movements (Fin de Siècle), etc.
  • ENGL 8193 Special Topics in American Literature

    (3 hours)
    Special topics on bodies of literature, history, and culture.
  • ENGL 8203 Special Topics in Modern Literature

    (3 hours)
    Special topics on bodies of literature, history, and culture.
  • ENGL 8213 Studies in Genre

    (3 hours)
    Examination of theories of genre in connection with a particular kind of writing such as pastoral, lyric, long poem, novel, autobiography, etc.
  • ENGL 8791-9 Qualifying Exam Preparation

    (1-9 hours)
    Independent study in areas under preparation for the doctoral qualifying examination.
  • ENGL 8973-6 Doctoral Independent Study

    (3 - 6 hours)
    Doctoral Independent Study
  • ENGL 8991-9 Directed Doctoral Readings

    (1-9 hours)
    Independent study to be used during the 36 hours of required coursework toward the Ph.D.
  • ENGL 9961 Residency

    (1 hour)
    See Graduate Residency (7961)

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