Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Undergraduate Education at The University of Tulsa


Undergraduate Education at The University of Tulsa

Through a wide range of courses and modes of learning, undergraduate education at The University of Tulsa challenges students to develop an appreciation of a liberal education, a breadth of knowledge, and the reasoning and communication skills that will enhance their ability to participate fully in contemporary society. Students enjoy not only diverse opportunities to participate in the scholarly process but also, through study in a major subject area or area of concentration, gain depth of understanding and proficiency in a particular subject.

Baccalaureate Degrees Awarded

The University of Tulsa offers the following undergraduate degrees:

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)

Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.)

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and

Bachelor of Science in the following fields:

Applied Mathematics (B.S.A.M.)

Business Administration (B.S.B.A.)

Biochemistry (B.S.B.)

Biological Science (B.S.B.S.)

Chemical Engineering (B.S.Ch.E.)

Chemistry (B.S.C.)

Computer Engineering (B.S.Com.E.)

Computer Science (B.S.C.S.)

Computer Simulation and Gaming (B.S.C.S.G.)

Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E.)

Engineering Physics (B.S.E.P.)

Exercise and Sports Science (B.S.E.S.S.)

Geosciences (B.S.G.S.)

Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.)

Nursing (B.S.N.)

Petroleum Engineering (B.S.P.E.) and

Speech-language Pathology (B.S.S.P.).

Minors and Certificates

Students in all undergraduate colleges may complete minors and certificate programs which allow them to acquire proficiencies in a specialized area of study. Many of the hours that count toward a minor or certificate will also count toward the student’s general education and major requirements or as electives. Minors and certificates are courses of study in a discipline or interdisciplinary cluster that is other than the student’s major area of study. A minor may be earned only in conjunction with a bachelor’s degree and at least one major. A certificate may be earned in conjunction with a bachelor’s degree or separately by individuals who already possess one or more college degrees, and will not be awarded prior to awarding of a bachelor’s degree.

First Year Experience

FYE 1001 First Year Experience  is an academic and personal development course designed to help students develop the skills necessary for making a successful academic and personal transition to The University of Tulsa. Incoming freshmen, as well as transfer students under age 21 with fewer than 30 credit hours and no prior FYE course credit, are required to enroll during their first semester at TU.

The Tulsa Curriculum

Every undergraduate must fulfill the requirements of the Tulsa Curriculum, which has two parts: the core curriculum and the general curriculum. Most students complete the Tulsa Curriculum before beginning the junior year. The University Curriculum Committee exercises oversight of the Tulsa Curriculum.

The Core Curriculum

Core curriculum requirements in writing, mathematics, and languages include the development of fundamental intellectual skills that are not only immediately useful in helping students meet the requirements of general education courses but that also equip them with basic competencies.

It is presumed that all undergraduates enter the University with adequate computer skills. Short courses and workshops are available to students who want to improve their computer skills.


All undergraduates must take at least two writing courses. Students in the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences  take ENGL 1033 Exposition and Argumentation  and FS 1973 First Seminar . Students in the Collins College of Business , the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences , and the Oxley College of Health Sciences  take ENGL 1033 Exposition and Argumentation  and ENGL 3003 Writing for the Professions . Non-native speakers of English and other students who need developmental work in the fundamentals of writing, as evidenced by their test scores and performance on a diagnostic writing test, are required to enroll in ENGL 1004 Introduction to College Writing  as a prerequisite for ENGL 1033 . Total: 6-10 hours.

The University Writing Program, which serves most students at the University of Tulsa, is part of and housed in the Department of English Language and Literature . Designed to position writing as central within the university curriculum, the current program emphasizes rigorous courses that introduce students to the conventions of academic writing and then assists them in moving into writing-intensive courses taught by faculty members from a variety of departments and colleges.

Writing Core Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the writing core requirements will be able to:

  • Assess writing situations to read, analyze, and compose texts appropriate for various purposes, audiences, and genres.
  • Demonstrate the values and conventions of academic and professional writing.
  • Apply a process-based approach to achieve successful written communication.


All incoming undergraduates must complete, place out of, or show proficiency in a basic mathematics course certified by the University Curriculum Committee such as MATH 1083 Contemporary Mathematics , MATH 1143 Mathematical Functions , MATH 1163 Pre-calculus Mathematics , or STAT 2013 Introduction to Statistics . Total: 0-3 hours.

Bachelor of Science students have additional requirements in math and computer science or computer applications. For specific requirements of each degree program, consult the appropriate collegiate advising office.

Mathematics Core Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the mathematics core requirements will be able to:

  • Demonstrate independent learning of mathematics by connecting math concepts and problem-solving skills to solve new problems.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking of mathematics by exploring examples, posing questions, and analyzing results.
  • Communicate ideas and solutions effectively using mathematical vocabulary, notations, and technology.


Students in many degree programs are required to take a foreign language, as follows:

All Bachelor of Arts students must complete, place out of, or show proficiency in a foreign language through the second-year level. Total: 0-14 hours.

All Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Music Education students must complete or show proficiency in a foreign language through the first-year level (1004-1014) and either continue the foreign language through the second level or take two additional courses from Blocks I and II in the general curriculum. Total: 0-14 hours.

All Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students must complete, place out of, or show proficiency in a modern foreign language through the first-year level (1004-1014). Total: 0-8 hours. The Collins College of Business offers a major in international business and language which, in addition to the business core, requires language proficiency in French, German, Spanish, Russian or Chinese.

The General Curriculum

Because the development of knowledge involves collaboration with the past and engagement with the present, the general curriculum, through the blocks defined below, is structured to encourage this collaboration and engagement. Its goal is to lead students to a breadth of knowledge and intellectual rigor rooted in the academic disciplines. Reflecting the University’s commitment to writing through the curriculum, courses in the general curriculum typically require significant amounts of writing. These courses also emphasize original texts, wherever appropriate, as well as current scholarship.

This Bulletin and the Schedule of Courses for each semester specify course offerings in the general curriculum. In meeting the general curriculum requirement, a student may take no more than two courses from a single discipline. Course selection may be governed in part by a student’s prospective major. Except for students in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences who are typically exempted from Block III , each student must complete 25 hours of general curriculum courses: six from Block I , twelve from Block II , and seven from Block III .

Block I (AICE): Aesthetic Inquiry and Creative Experience (6 hours)

Block I  courses consider the human activities of making, thinking, and doing. Two different approaches are offered: those that involve students in the creative process through study in courses designed to produce or perform creative works; and those that investigate the nature of texts, works of art or music, or systems of thought.

Block I Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the General Curriculum Block I requirements will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of texts, media, forms, practices and/or systems of knowledge in the arts and humanities through reading, viewing, analysis, and writing or creative production.
  • Analyze, synthesize and evaluate texts, media, forms, practices, and/or systems of knowledges relevant to the arts and humanities through writing, creative production and/or the application of theories and approaches addressing fields such as textual studies, literary studies, philosophy, and the arts.
  • Write and communicate clearly and effectively about the arts and/or humanities through genres common to their field of study such as essays, response pieces, presentations, and creative works.
  • Recognize and analyze ethical issues from a range of perspectives raised by the arts and humanities.
  • Use the arts and humanities to identify and address problems in local and global communities.

Block II (HSI): Historical and Social Interpretation (12 hours)

Block II  courses investigate and interpret how human thought and action - and the products of such thought and action - are shaped by social, historical, cultural, environmental, and/or psychological factors.

Block II Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the General Curriculum Block II requirements will be able to:

  • Make connections to other times and peoples, including their works, beliefs, and cultures.
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge and skills in the methods of investigating, expressing, and evaluating concepts as appropriate for the discipline.
  • Write effectively as appropriate for the discipline using credible, adequate, and relevant evidence.
  • Apply tools of analysis and critical thinking to understand problems related to human behavior.

Block III (SI): Scientific Investigation (7 hours)

Block III  courses focus on methods of investigation and explore the relationships among key concepts in the sciences. The process of scientific inquiry - including hypothesis generation, data collection, analysis, and modeling, use of technology and mathematics, and presentation of results - is fundamental to courses in this block. These courses may also consider the interrelationships among technical concepts and contemporary societal issues. At least one of each student’s Block III courses must include laboratory or field experiences that provide practical experience in inquiry.

Block III Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the General Curriculum Block III requirements will be able to:

  • Describe major theories that underlie an area of scientific study.
  • Discuss examples of challenging and controversial scientific works.
  • Describe the scientific method and apply it to methods of study.
  • Articulate the relevant ethical framework for scientific investigation.
  • Explain how science impacts everyday life.

Senior Requirement

Most undergraduates at The University of Tulsa complete their course of study with an intensive, rigorous, semester-long academic experience in the senior year. The nature of this requirement varies by discipline and may be a design project, a recital, an internship, or a specially designed interdisciplinary or major course. To determine the appropriate senior requirement, students should consult their faculty advisors or collegiate advising offices.

Human/Cultural/Gender Diversity Requirement

In order to gain understanding about the human, cultural and gender diversity of the world in which they live and work, students at The University of Tulsa are required to complete at least one three-hour human/cultural/gender diversity course .
Human/Cultural/Gender Diversity Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the Human/Cultural/Gender Diversity requirement will be able to:
  • Describe how [race/ethnicity/gender/sexuality] impacts individuals, groups, and societies,
  • Evaluate facts and ethical dilemmas regarding issues of [racial/ethnic/gender/sexual] diversity in local and global contexts, or
  • Identify and explain diverse cultural perspectives and their impact on individuals, groups, and societies.

Interdisciplinary and Pre-professional Programs

Undergraduates at The University of Tulsa may expand their intellectual and professional opportunities by participating in a wide range of interdisciplinary educational and pre-professional programs including the Honors Program , the Global Scholars Program , the Tulsa Undergraduate Research Challenge , the Presidential Leaders Fellowship Pre-health Professions , and Pre-law .