Oct 06, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

The Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences

 Kalpana Misra, Dean

The Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences offers students the opportunity to gain a broadly-based liberal arts education, to learn to think critically, and to master the skills of writing clearly, logically, and persuasively. In addition to their major fields, all students in the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences study a variety of areas of knowledge, including the humanities, the arts, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. In the process, they study world cultures and acquire competence in mathematics.

Courses in the general curriculum are taught by experienced faculty members in classes small enough to facilitate interaction between faculty and students. Students select a major and minor field of study from among the traditional academic disciplines and also have available to them interdisciplinary programs such as art, culture, and entertainment management, environmental policy, film studies, organizational studies, and women’s and gender studies, as well as minors in early childhood intervention and medieval and early modern studies. Students may design a specialized major program of concentration and may earn a certificate in classical studies. Students in the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences work with many distinguished teachers and scholars who are committed to rigorous, high-quality undergraduate education. The College offers an education that allows students to expand their perspectives, explore new areas of knowledge, engage in concentrated and extensive study of specific areas of knowledge, master the skills necessary to function in the modern world, and become part of a community of teachers, scholars, and learners.


The Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences provides the core of a TU education and the intellectual foundation for life in a free and democratic society. We seek to produce and disseminate knowledge and artistic expression at the highest levels, drawing on the unique opportunities provided by a student-centered learning community within a research university.

The rigorous collegiate curriculum challenges, enriches, and expands students’ conceptions of the world, preparing them to ask compelling questions, address complex problems with creative solutions, engage respectfully and knowledgeably with diverse people and their cultures, speak and write persuasively and professionally, and contribute to the advancement of society in productive and meaningful ways.


The School of Music of The University of Tulsa is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). The following degrees are listed by NASM: Bachelor of Arts in Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Music in Performance, and Bachelor of Music in Composition. The deaf education program is accredited by the Council on Education of the Deaf. The Ph.D. program in clinical psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association. Programs in elementary education, English education, and math education are accredited by the Oklahoma Office for Educational Quality and Accountability.

Academic Programs

The Core Curriculum

The core curriculum comprises two fundamental requirements. The first is that each student learn to write English with precision and fluency, a process enhanced by continuing practice in courses across the curriculum. The second requirement is that in completing a bachelor’s degree each student acquires broad skills and knowledge complementary to his or her academic specialization.

To earn the Bachelor of Arts degree, students complete study of a second language through the fourth-semester level or demonstrate equivalent proficiency. Language study is available in Chinese, French, German, Latin, Russian, Spanish, and American Sign Language. Students who enroll in a language course above 1004 and complete the course with a grade of C or higher receive “delayed proficiency credit” for the previous course as well. Students with previous college credit or AP/IB credit are not eligible for delayed proficiency credit in the same language. A maximum of either three or four delayed credits may be earned. Non-native English speakers should consult the College Office of Advising for Bachelor of Arts degree language requirements.

The Bachelor of Science degree requires students to complete a sequence of prescribed courses in mathematics and statistics. Selection of coursework may be stipulated by the major program. The Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Music Education are pre-professional degrees based on the College’s historic involvement with the fine and performing arts. Degree requirements in these programs vary.

Writing Requirements

Each incoming student completes a sequence of writing courses that provides the skills needed to meet the expectations and demands of college-level assignments. The writing courses teach practical skills and abilities that are broadly applicable. A fully-staffed Writing Center is available to all students who desire to work one-on-one with trained tutors. TU’s Helen N. Wallace Writing Center is located on the third floor of McFarlin Library and is equipped with personal computers that are compatible with the large number of microcomputers available in the Computer Resource Center.

As part of the writing requirement, each incoming student takes a specialized course called FS 1973 First Seminar  after completing ENGL 1033  or its equivalent. The First Seminar provides an intimate atmosphere in which to study with a faculty member and underscores the enduring relationship between writing and learning by requiring several papers to be written during the semester. Most First Seminars are offered in the spring. 

Mathematics Placement

The College requires all entering freshmen, regardless of AP, IB, or dual enrollment, and all entering transfer students with no transfer credits for Calculus I or higher to take the ALEKS Placement Assessment for math. All incoming undergraduates must also complete or show proficiency in MATH 1083 Contemporary Mathematics  or another basic mathematics course certified by the University Curriculum Committee, such as MATH 1143 Mathematical Functions , MATH 1163 Pre-calculus Mathematics , or MATH 1243 Applied Calculus 

Incoming freshmen also complete FYE 1001 First Year Experience , an orientation course that introduces students to skills and services necessary to student success. Students in many degree programs must also complete AS 2001 The Liberal Arts and Preparation for Life after Graduation  as sophomores. This course introduces students to resources that will help them prepare for career options after graduation.

Senior Project

Undergraduates in the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences complete their course of study with an intensive, rigorous, senior-year academic experience. The nature of this senior requirement varies by discipline but usually consists of a specially designed course in the student’s major area of study. To determine the appropriate senior requirement, students should consult their faculty advisor or the College Office of Advising.

The General Curriculum

The general curriculum encourages the acquisition of knowledge that spans the arts and sciences. Courses in the general curriculum are distributed among intellectual categories to guarantee that each student has an understanding and an appreciation of several kinds of knowledge in addition to the knowledge acquired in the major and minor. Courses in the general curriculum are designed to give students an introduction to the methodologies and perspectives of a variety of disciplines, thus, no more than two courses from a single discipline may count toward general curriculum requirements.  Students choose from courses offered in the following categories: Aesthetic Inquiry and Creative Experience (Block I ), Historical and Social Interpretation (Block II ), and Scientific Investigation (Block III ). The general curriculum requirements include the completion of two courses taken in Block I , four in Block II , and two including a lab in Block III . For a description of each block, see Undergraduate Education at The University of Tulsa .

All students in the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences must also meet the human/cultural/gender diversity requirement by taking two courses from a list  approved by the University Curriculum Committee. These are courses that focus on the formation and diversity of human, cultural and gender identities as well as on the way these identities change and interact with one another. These courses may also be used to satisfy requirements in the core curriculum, the general curriculum, or the area of concentration. Course selection in core and general curricula may in some cases be dictated by the major.

To be eligible for graduation, the student must achieve a grade point average of at least 2.0 in in each declaired major, minor, and certificate as well as an overall grade point average of least 2.0. and the completion of a total of 124 hours.

Admission to certain degree programs may be limited and have additional academic requirements or a separate program application.

The Major Subject

Students usually choose their major subject during their first year at The University of Tulsa. Two-thirds of the coursework in the major subject must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. Each department determines the exact number of hours required in the major subject and the area of concentration. Students are allowed to complete up to nine (9) additional hours beyond the required in their major subject.  These nine (9) hours may be exceeded only by completing hours beyond the 124 hours required for graduation.  Along with majors in all of the departments, the College offers the following interdisciplinary majors: arts, culture and entertainment management  , creative writing , environmental policy (B.A.  or B.S. ), film studies , organizational studies , and women’s and gender studies .

The Minor Field

The minor field comprises courses from one or more disciplines that are distinct from the major. The minor field consists of at least 12 semester hours, six of which must be at the 3000 or 4000 level, in a subject approved by the major advisor. For a minor in languages, all hours must be at the 3000-4000 level. The number of hours in the minor may exceed 12 as long as the total number of hours in the area of concentration (all courses in the major subject area and the minor field) does not exceed the total permitted. The student and the major advisor should consult the department in which the minor is awarded in order to determine the appropriate courses. The College Curriculum Committee must approve any programs that differ from these College guidelines. Interdisciplinary minors in advertising , Chinese , creative writing , early intervention , medieval and early modern studies , museum studies , and women’s and gender studies  have been approved by the College Curriculum Committee and do not need to be approved on a case-by-case basis.

Student-Designed Area of Concentration

The student-designed area of concentration provides a means of accommodating student needs and interests where no appropriate program exists in the College. It is also intended to accommodate student interests that may cross collegiate lines.

A request by a student for a student-designed area of concentration must be approved by the College Curriculum Committee. To be eligible to submit a proposal, the student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and must have completed between 30 and 75 hours of acceptable coursework. The Office of the Dean will provide guidance to any student regarding preparation of the proposal.

It is mandatory that the student secure the assistance of one or more faculty members whose areas of competence are associated with the student’s interest. All policies governing the area of concentration are applicable to a student-designed area of concentration. No more than two independent study courses may be substituted in an approved area of concentration. If such substitutions are necessary, the program must be re-evaluated by the College Curriculum Committee.

A proposal requesting permission to pursue a student-designed area of concentration must include the following: (1) a statement of the aims the student seeks to realize through the program; (2) a statement demonstrating that the existing programs of the College do not offer opportunities to achieve these aims; (3) an itemized list of the courses the student will seek to include in the program; and (4) an endorsement of the student’s plan from the faculty member or members who will serve as the student’s major advisor(s) in the program.

Certificate Programs

Students in the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences may substitute an interdisciplinary certificate program for a minor field. A certificate is available in classical studies . If the certificate is being completed in addition to the area of concentration (major and minor), credits may be used to fulfill requirements for both the degree and the certificate. If the certificate is being completed in lieu of a minor, at least 12 hours must solely fulfill requirements for the certificate. Students interested in fulfilling the requirements of the certificate program should consult the director of that program.


The official statement of the American Association of Law Schools emphasizes that law schools prefer students who are well-rounded in their educational backgrounds, capable of critical, creative thinking, and articulate in oral and written expression. No specific undergraduate major is recommended or required. Thus, undergraduates with an interest in pursuing the legal profession usually major in an area of breadth rather than one of specialization, make full use of their electives, and concentrate on courses that emphasize analytical ability and facility with the English language. The University of Tulsa maintains an active advising system for pre-law students. For additional details, visit the Pre-law  page of this Bulletin and consult the College Office of Advising.

Honors Program

The Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences invites graduating high school seniors with exceptional academic records and a spirit of intellectual curiosity to consider the University’s Honors Program . No more than one Honors seminar can be used to fulfill Block I requirements, no more than two Honors seminars can be used to fulfill Block II requirements, and no more than one Honors seminar can be used to fulfill Block III requirements. Students may choose to do independent research as part of their Honors Plan. In that case, a student’s directed research is applied either as elective or as major required hours. Students admitted to the Honors Program receive an academic scholarship and may choose to major in any academic discipline offered by The University of Tulsa.

Tulsa Undergraduate Research Challenge

The Tulsa Undergraduate Research Challenge  (TURC) offers advanced and mature students an opportunity to conduct supervised research beginning in the first semester. Interested students should consult the Arts and Sciences TURC director.

Public Service Internships for Academic Credit

Qualified undergraduate students in any major may participate in the Henry Kendall College Public Service Internship Program, which is designed to help students explore their interests, obtain practical experience, and prepare for public life. Students intern with governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, health care services, and various arts organizations throughout the city of Tulsa. Public service internships carry three hours of academic credit and are unpaid. Additional information, including descriptions, evaluations, and applications, is available from the True Blue Neighbor Center for Community Engagement.

D’Arcy Fellows Internship Program

The competitive D’Arcy Fellows program provides qualified undergraduates the opportunity to undertake a paid internship and gain professional experience in a diverse range of organizations and fields, including but not limited to corporations, small businesses, nonprofit governmental or social welfare agencies, art organizations, museums and legal institutions. Internship experiences are substantive, project-based and aimed at promoting the professional development of students as they explore career options and avenues for full-time employment upon graduation.  

Seminars, Independent Research, and Independent Readings

Each department in the College may offer seminars and independent readings at any level for varying amounts of credit. Seminars vary in content and structure according to the design of the instructors. Students who wish to undertake independent research or readings must secure the consent of an instructor to supervise the study. The instructor has the option to accept or reject the projected study. Faculties vary in their policies regarding an instructor’s availability for supervising independent work.

Academic Policies


Each incoming student is advised by a professional, collegiate advisor in the Office of Advising upon enrolling in the College and coordinates their schedule with that advisor. Once accepted by a department, the student is assigned a faculty advisor, and in their sophomore year they meet with their designated faculty advisor. Students are required to return to the Office of Advising at least once during their junior year and again prior to the second semester of their senior year for a graduation check to ensure the timely completion of all degree requirements. Students may inquire at the Office of Advising at any time with regard to specific needs or issues. The Office of Advising maintains student records, and its professional staff coordinates advising activities within the College.

Advanced Standing

Work completed at other institutions is evaluated by the Office of Advising. Once students have completed 62 hours, no additional work from a junior or community college may be applied toward graduation requirements. The last 45 hours of coursework must be completed in residence at The University of Tulsa.

Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and OSSM

A list of courses credited for Advanced Placement Examinations is available from the Office of the Registrar. The Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences will award at least 30 credits to students in the College who complete the IB Diploma with a score of 28 or above. Some credit may also be available for students completing the IB Diploma with a score below 28. The College will also extend college credit for some High Level examinations and some Standard Level examinations. The amount and kind of credit will be determined by individual departments. The Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences awards credit for some mathematics and science courses completed with high scores at the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics. Students should consult the College Office of Advising for details.

No more than 36 hours of credit may apply through testing (International Baccalaureate, OSSM, Advanced Placement, or proficiency).

Credit by CLEP examination is not awarded by the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences.


Beyond meeting core curriculum, general curriculum, and area of concentration requirements, students must complete enough hours in electives to equal at least 120 hours.

  • Students with extensive experience in a language other than English must consult the School of Language and Literature  before enrolling in a course in that language. Consult the College Office of Advising office staff for additional information.
  • No more than one First Seminar may count toward graduation requirements.

Pass/D-F Grading Option

A student may take one course per semester on a Pass/D-F basis, provided that the total of Pass/D-F credits for a student does not exceed the 18 Pass/D-F credits that may be applied toward the degree. The rule of one course per semester for Pass/D-F credit is applicable even if the course is offered only for Pass/D-F credit. Courses graded only as Pass/D-F also count toward the final allowable total of 18 Pass/D-F credits. With the exception of FYE 1001 and AS 2001 , courses included in the core curriculum, the general curriculum, and in the student’s area of concentration may not be taken under the Pass/D-F option.

The decision to take a course on a Pass/D-F basis must be made within the first three weeks of a regular semester or within the first 5 days of a 5-week summer session. The student must obtain approval in the Office of Advising to take a course Pass/D-F. Deadlines for declaring this option are published in each course schedule.

5000 Level Courses and Accelerated Degrees

Certain academic units have course offerings at the 5000 level, which are graduate courses available to exceptional students for undergraduate degree credit which may allow accelerated progress toward completion of graduate degrees. See individual academic units for availability and procedures governing enrollment.

Statute of Limitation

The policy applies to students in the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences who have left The University of Tulsa before finishing a degree and who later return to the University without having attended another institution of higher education in the intervening period. Those students are allowed to continue their program of study under the curricular requirements that applied to them at the time they originally entered the Henry Kendall College of Arts and Sciences unless more than five years have passed since the completion of their last semester in the College at the University. In the case of the curricular requirements for the major, the student returning within the five-year limit is allowed to declare and to pursue any major that was available at the time the student entered the College as long as the appropriate courses are offered at the University when the student returns.

Core Curriculum

Department of Anthropology

Go to information for Department of Anthropology.




School of Art, Design and Art History

Go to information for School of Art, Design and Art History.




Department of Economics

Go to information for Department of Economics.




Department of Education

Go to information for Department of Education.




Department of English Language and Literature

Go to information for Department of English Language and Literature.




Department of Film Studies

Go to information for Department of Film Studies.




Department of History

Go to information for Department of History.




School of Language and Literature

Go to information for School of Language and Literature.




Department of Media Studies

Go to information for Department of Media Studies.




School of Music

Go to information for School of Music.




Department of Philosophy and Religion

Go to information for Department of Philosophy and Religion.



Department of Political Science

Go to information for Department of Political Science.




Department of Psychology

Go to information for Department of Psychology.




Department of Sociology

Go to information for Department of Sociology.




Department of Theatre

Go to information for Department of Theatre.

Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Programs

Go to information for Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Programs.



