Feb 17, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

The College of Engineering and Natural Sciences

James R. Sorem, Jr., Dean

The College of Engineering and Natural Sciences has diversified undergraduate programs in applied mathematics, biochemistry, biogeosciences, biology, chemical engineering, chemistry, computer science, computer simulation and gaming, electrical and computer engineering, electrical engineering, engineering physics, geosciences, information technology, mathematics, mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, and physics. The overall academic approach in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences is to encourage curiosity and to transform that curiosity into love of learning. A distinguishing characteristic of our academic programs is the opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in meaningful research with professors. Our classes are taught by faculty members who recognize and address individual student instructional needs.


The mission of the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences is to provide a modern, high-quality educational experience for all of our students. We provide the knowledge and principles on which engineering and science are founded in order to graduate engineers and scientists who are technically competent, creative, literate, ethically informed, and socially aware.


The Bachelor of Science degree programs in chemical engineering, electrical engineering, engineering physics, mechanical engineering, and petroleum engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. The Bachelor of Science degree program in computer science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. The Bachelor of Science degree programs in chemistry and biochemistry are approved by the American Chemical Society.

Honors Program

The College of Engineering and Natural Sciences invites graduating high school seniors with exceptional academic records and a spirit of intellectual curiosity to consider the University’s Honors Program . The core courses in the Honors Program are credited to the student’s general curriculum requirement. Students may choose to do independent research as part of their Honors Plan. In that case, a student’s directed research is applied either as elective or as major required hours. Students admitted to the Honors Program receive an academic scholarship and may choose to major in any academic discipline offered by The University of Tulsa.

Tau Beta Pi

Students in engineering or the physical sciences and other closely related fields who are in the upper eighth of the junior class or the upper fifth of the senior class are eligible for membership in Tau Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society. Candidates must also exhibit personal integrity, a range of interests within and outside of the field of engineering, and an ability to adapt to a wide range of professional situations.

Academic Policies

Advanced Standing

All previous education presented to the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences for advanced standing must conform to applicable University requirements and is subject to the following special requirements:

  • No more than 36 hours of advanced standing credit may apply through testing (International Baccalaureate, OSSM, Advanced Placement or proficiency exam).
  • Course credits with grades of D normally do not transfer from other schools.
  • Upper-level engineering courses normally do not transfer from schools that are not accredited by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).
  • The last 45 semester hours in a degree program must be completed in residence.
  • Final/official transfer evaluations will be based on specific balance sheets current at the time of a student’s first enrollment and will not necessarily apply to another curriculum if the student changes majors.
  • International students and others who apply for advanced standing credit for studies completed at foreign institutions must present certified English translations of transcripts or their equivalents from all foreign institutions attended.

Documents and transcripts from foreign institutions are subject to individual review and interpretation. It is not unusual to require international students to validate coursework of unknown quality by examination and to repeat courses in areas where knowledge appears inadequate. Credit for work completed at a foreign institution is always subject to review and reassessment because of differences in accrediting practices, grading methods and customs, and course content. Such credit is normally recorded as total hours of advanced standing for a specific curriculum and will not necessarily apply to another curriculum.

Advanced standing may be granted for junior college for work up to one-half the hours required for graduation from the University. Such credit should be obtained before admission. Additional junior college work will be credited toward a degree from the University only by permission before enrollment in courses.

Permission to transfer additional junior college hours will be granted only if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent the student from taking a similar course at The University of Tulsa. Students who want permission to transfer additional junior college hours should submit a written request to the associate dean for academic affairs before enrolling at a junior college. The extenuating circumstances that make the transfer of the additional hours necessary should be spelled out clearly in the written request. Tuition differentials, personal finances, or the fact that a course may be easier at a junior college do not qualify as extenuating circumstances.

Special Requirements

In all programs in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences, students must maintain an overall minimum grade point average of 2.0 as well as a 2.0 or better in their major courses, as defined by the individual department. In addition to these requirements, certain programs also require minimum grade point average and completion time limits after admission on specified foundation courses.

Students wishing to change majors must satisfy the foundation course requirements (if any) of their new major and receive permission of the department chair in their new major.

The table below indicates special minimum grade point requirements for each degree program. The designated foundation courses for a particular program are detailed in the sections containing degree requirements.

Department Minimum
in Major Courses
Required in
to Complete
Biological Science 2.0 2.2    
Chemical Engineering 2.0 2.0 2.5 3
Chemistry and Biochemistry 2.0 2.0    
Computer Science 2.0 2.0    
Electrical and Computer Engineering 2.0 *    
Geosciences 2.0 ** 2.5 3
Mathematics 2.0 2.0    
Mechanical Engineering 2.0 2.0 2.5 4
Petroleum Engineering 2.0


2.50 3
Physics and Engineering Physics 2.0 2.0    

*Grade of C or better required in all electrical engineering courses.
**Grade of C or better required in all required geoscience courses.

No student in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences may attempt any course in which a grade of either F or W has been received in any two previous attempts, unless permission is obtained.

Students typically complete ENGL 1033 Exposition and Argumentation  during their first semester in residence, followed by ENGL 3003 Writing for the Professions  in the junior year. However, some incoming students will be placed in ENGL 1004 Introduction to College Writing  in order to provide them with additional skills necessary for college-level writing. These students will complete ENGL 1004  and ENGL 1033  in their first two semesters in residence, followed by ENGL 3003  in the junior year.

Students wishing to enroll in courses that have prerequisites must satisfactorily complete those prerequisites before enrolling in the more advanced class, unless granted written permission by the instructor and their faculty advisor prior to that enrollment.

Students who have failed a course may not subsequently take a proficiency exam as replacement for that course.

Students who have attempted a course at The University of Tulsa may not receive credit for that course from another institution.

Pass/D-F Grading

The decision to take a course on a Pass/D-F basis must be made within the first three weeks of a regular semester or by the published deadlines for each summer session. Changing from a letter grade to the Pass/D-F option or back to a letter grade must be completed during this period. The student must obtain approval to take a course Pass/D-F from the College Office of Advising. Deadlines for declaring this option are not subject to change.

Students enrolled in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences may complete up to 18 semester hours of coursework offered by other colleges on a Pass/D-F basis, but no more than 4 hours in any given semester. Engineering and science majors may not take courses offered by the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences Pass/D-F. Engineering and science majors may not take ENGL 1004 , ENGL 1033 , or ENGL 3003  Pass/D-F. Engineering and science majors may not take any courses designated HON or GLSC on a Pass/D-F basis. A course in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences which is graded only on a Pass/D-F basis (such as an introduction to the major) is not considered part of the 18-hour total. A student on a semester Study Abroad may be allowed to take more than one course Pass/D-F, subject to approvals by the Center for Global Education and the College. A course previously taken for a letter grade may not be repeated on a Pass/D-F basis.


In addition to the University’s probation regulations, the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences has the following specific requirements:

  • The maximum load for a student on probation is 14 semester hours during a semester and seven hours during any summer session.
  • Freshmen and sophomores on probation and students with grade point averages lower than 2.0 at the end of their sophomore year must repeat certain courses for which a D grade is recorded during their next academic term in residence, provided the courses are in the official schedule of courses for that term. Courses to be repeated are specified by the student’s advisor.
  • A grade of F in any required mathematics, science, or professional engineering course requires repetition at the next opportunity while the student is in residence. The advisor may require repetition of any course prerequisite to the courses failed.

Tulsa Curriculum, Human/Cultural/Gender Diversity, and Electives

Students in the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences must fulfill all relevant requirements of the Tulsa curriculum described on the Academic Policies  page of this Bulletin. In addition, many curricula contain a number of elective courses. The following specific requirements apply to the Tulsa curriculum and electives:

  • Students may choose to take two semesters of a single foreign language and apply them as Block I and Block II credits.
  • To support and emphasize the commitment of both the college and university to human, cultural, and gender diversity as outlined in the university’s mission statement, the College of Engineering and Natural Sciences requires all students earning a bachelor’s degree to complete one block or elective course that addresses human, cultural and gender diversity. Courses that are approved to meet this requirement may be found here .
  • Most courses at The University of Tulsa may be taken for general elective credit, with the following exceptions: all sections of ATRG 1991  and ATRG 1021 , and MUS 0020-1  in fall semesters only. In addition, no more than three one-credit-hour music courses may apply toward a degree.

Double Majors/Double Degrees

Students who wish to pursue majors or degrees in two different fields may do so by completing the requirements for each major. Double majors or double degrees can be pursued either in one college or in two different colleges. In the latter case, permission from the deans of both colleges must be obtained at the time the second major/degree is declared.

Bachelor of Science in Designed Area for Engineering and Natural Sciences

The Bachelor of Science in a student-designed area of study allows students to expand their intellectual opportunities by working with departments and colleges for a cross-curricular collaborative program when no such program exists. A request by a student for a student-designed area of study must be approved by the College Curriculum Committee.

A proposal requesting permission to pursue a student-designed area of study must include the following: 1) a statement of the aims the student seeks to realize through the program; 2) a statement demonstrating that the existing programs of the College do not offer opportunities to achieve these aims; 3) an itemized list of the courses the student will seek to include in the program; and 4) an endorsement of the student’s plan from the faculty member or members who will serve as the student’s major advisor(s) in the program.

The collegiate advising office will provide guidance to students regarding preparation of the proposal.

5000 Level Courses

Certain departments have course offerings at the 5000 level, which are graduate courses available to exceptional students for undergraduate degree credit. See individual departments for availability and procedures governing enrollment.

Departments and Programs

The College offers the following undergraduate curricula leading to bachelor’s degrees as well as non-degree programs.

Admission to certain degree programs may be limited and have additional academic requirements or a separate program application.

Department of Biological Science

Go to information for Department of Biological Science.





Russell School of Chemical Engineering

Go to information for Russell School of Chemical Engineering.





Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Go to information for Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.




Tandy School of Computer Science

Go to information for Tandy School of Computer Science.





Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Go to information for Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.



Department of Geosciences

Go to information for Department of Geosciences.




Department of Mathematics

Go to information for Department of Mathematics.





Department of Mechanical Engineering

Go to information for Department of Mechanical Engineering.



McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering

Go to information for McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering.




Department of Physics and Engineering Physics

Go to information for Department of Physics and Engineering Physics.




Engineering and Natural Sciences Interdisciplinary Programs

Go to information for Engineering and Natural Sciences Interdisciplinary Programs.


