Feb 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Accelerated Programs

Accelerated Master’s Programs

Outstanding undergraduates at The University of Tulsa in accountancy, applied mathematics, biochemistry, biological science, business administration, chemistry, chemical engineering, computer science, cyber security, engineering physics, exercise and sports science, geophysics, geosciences, history, physics, and women’s and gender studies may be considered for admission to accelerated master’s degree programs while still completing undergraduate degree requirements. These programs encourage students to complete graduate level work as undergraduates and typically permit a restricted number of 5000-level courses to be applied to both the undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Exceptional students may use these programs to start completing a master’s degree requirements while still undergraduates, reducing the total time to degree completion at the graduate level following the completion of a bachelor’s degree.

Eligibility Requirements

Undergraduate students who have completed at least 60 undergraduate credit hours but not more than 96 undergraduate credit hours, including credits earned from advanced placement examination, are eligible to apply to the Graduate School. Students who have completed more than 96 undergraduate credit hours may petition the Provost for an exception in order to apply.

Transfer students must have completed a minimum of two consecutive semesters as a full-time student at TU with a minimum of 24 completed TU credit hours. Students must have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of at least 3.4 at The University of Tulsa. Individual departments and programs may impose more restrictive requirements.

Learning Objectives

Accelerated master’s degree programs utilize learning objectives as established for the stand-alone degree tracks. Refer to the separate departmental sections for learning objectives for each master’s degree option.


Undergraduate students are admitted to the appropriate undergraduate college so that they can begin the undergraduate portion of the program. Students potentially interested in an accelerated master’s degree program should notify their department as early as possible.

Admission to an undergraduate degree program does not ensure admission to a graduate degree program at The University of Tulsa. Before students enroll in any graduate coursework, they must be admitted to the Graduate School. Students applying to an accelerated master’s degree program must declare their intention prior to or during their junior year by making application to the Graduate School. The process of applying to the Graduate School for an accelerated master’s degree program is identical to the application for any graduate degree program and will generally require the submission of 

  • A Graduate School application; 
  • Standardized test scores;
  • Three letters of recommendation; and 
  • Transcripts for work done at universities or colleges other than The University of Tulsa.

Students who have completed at least 96 undergraduate credit hours and have an approved petition from the Provost may also apply to the Graduate School for the accelerated master’s degree program. The process for applying to the Graduate School is identical to the application for any graduate degree program.

Undergraduate students who apply to an accelerated master’s degree program and are admitted will enroll as a Special Student in the Graduate School until the completion of their Bachelor’s degree.

Undergraduates admitted into an accelerated master’s degree program may take 6000- and 7000-level courses for graduate credit. Not more than 6 graduate credits (6000 and 7000 level) taken as a Special Student will be applied to the master’s degree; these credit hours are in addition to the maximum of 9 credits taken at the 5000 level.

Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, students will matriculate into the master’s degree program if they have maintained at least a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. in both their undergraduate and graduate work at The University of Tulsa and have met the additional requirements for admission to the graduate portion of their program as specified in their admission letter.

Double Counting Restrictions

The 5000-level coursework taken for undergraduate credit by students who are admitted to an accelerated master’s program may also be applied to the graduate degree with the approval of the Graduate Program Advisor for the master’s program. A maximum of 9 credit hours of 5000-level work may be applied to the graduate degree program.


Accountancy, M.Acc. (Accelerated Master’s)    

Applied Mathematics, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)    

Biochemistry, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)   

Biological Science, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)   

Business Administration, M.B.A. (Accelerated)    

Chemical Engineering, M.E. (Accelerated Master’s)   

Chemistry, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)   

Computer Science, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)  

Cyber Security, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)  

Engineering Physics, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)    

Athletic Training, M.A.T. (Accelerated Master’s)  

Geophysics, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)   

Geosciences, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)    

History, M.A. (Accelerated Master’s)    

Physics, M.S. (Accelerated Master’s)    

Women’s and Gender Studies, M.A. (Accelerated Master’s)