Sep 23, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Course Descriptions



  • HIST 2413 Pirates and Piracy in the Atlantic World

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Pirates and piracy as a way to approach the larger history of the Atlantic World political economy ca. 1500-1800. Particular attention is paid to Elizabethan England as English pirates challenge Spain’s power and also engage in the trafficking of African slaves.
  • HIST 2453 Music and Society in the Americas through Film

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Introduction to the cultural history of modern music in the Americas. Explores the context of several American music genres including Blues, Jazz, Tango, Broadway, Caribbean styles, Country Tejano/Conjunto, Rock and Roll, Reggae and Hip Hop. Emphasis on understanding cross-cultural influences, interpreting musical commentary on gender, community, commercial and political trends in the larger historical development of music in the Americas. Same as FLM 2453 .
  • HIST 2473 American Social Movements

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Looks at the social upheavals gripping American society through the 20th century, with a focus on progressive and radical social movements that challenged the governing consensus. Examines the rise of socialist and labor movements in the United States, civil rights, feminism, environmentalism and pacifist and anti-imperialist movements and their interconnectedness, ending with contemporary social movements.
  • HIST 2503 American Republic

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Thematic approach to U.S. history since 1789 organized around the concepts of nation-building, industrialization, expansion, and the republic in the nuclear age.
  • HIST 2523 History of Oklahoma

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Oklahoma from prehistoric times to the present with emphasis on the role of the Indian in the state’s history.
  • HIST 2543 Africans in the Americas from Slavery to Freedom

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Course charts the history of the African diaspora to the Americas by examining the slave trade in Africa, the Middle Passage to the Americas, slavery in the American colonies including the Caribbean and Brazil, and finally, resistance and emancipation, focusing on the United States.
  • HIST 2553 War and American Society

    (3 hours) Block 2
    The social, economic, and political impact of war in American history discussed within the context of the evolution of warfare in western civilization.
  • HIST 2573 Indians in American History

    (3 hours) Block 2
    The Native American experience in North America from 1400-present, with emphasis on the peoples and cultures who came to Oklahoma, an adopted homeland.
  • HIST 2583 Africans in America: From Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Analyzes the history of African Americans’ struggle for civil rights in the United States from roughly the end of the Civil War to the 1970s. It examines the issues and events that defined movements for civil rights, analyzes the role of leaders, organizations, grassroots workers, and “ordinary” people in shaping and propelling these movements, and assesses the tools, strategies and tactics used to fight oppression.
  • HIST 2603 Russia and the West

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Survey of Russian history and culture with emphasis on the historical origins of the differences between Russia and the West and Russia’s response to western influence.
  • HIST 2613 China and Japan from Antiquity to 1800

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Introduction to the politics and culture of traditional China and Japan, focusing on the interaction between state and society, the influence of secular and religious philosophies on the elite and the masses, and relations between China and Japan.
  • HIST 2623 China and Japan since 1800

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Examines important political, social, and cultural issues in China and Japan in the 19th and 20th centuries. Emphasizes the legacy of tradition, growth of nationalism, revolution in theory and practice, development of modern culture, and relations with the West.
  • HIST 2663 Russia Today

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Review of the Soviet Union under Gorbachev and highlights of the rapid change in politics, economics, and culture of its major successor state, Russia. Same as POL 2663 .
  • HIST 2713 Capitalism and Socialism

    (3 hours)
    The historical evolution of the ideologies and cultures of capitalism and socialism, with emphasis on property, the market, organizations of work, the state, the family, and the arts. Readings, class discussion, and writing assignments cover key controversial issues concerning people in society.
  • HIST 2733 Colonialism and Imperialism

    (3 hours) Block 2
    European expansion and interaction with the non-European world from the Age of Discovery through decolonization.
  • HIST 3003 History of Canada

    (3 hours)
    Explores a wide range of subjects including early contact between Native Americans and European travelers, comparative analysis of French and English colonization, war, economic development, social life and national culture. Regular comparison with the histories of the U.S. and Spanish America.
  • HIST 3023 Modern America and American Indians

    (3 hours)
    Lecture/discussion class that focuses on the history of American Indian people in North America (north of Mexico) since 1900. Explores the resurgence of tribal nationhood, economic, social, and cultural challenges, and the twists and turns of U.S. and Canadian Indian policies. Also emphasizes the intertwined histories and destinies of American Indians and non-Native Americans. Prerequisites: HIST 2573  and ANTH 3103 .
  • HIST 3103 The Cold War as History

    (3 hours)
    Provides a history of the Cold War, addressing its origins dating to American intervention in the Russian civil war, the Marshall Plan and its covert side, Cuban missile crisis, Alger Hiss case, spy controversies and McCarthyism. The course will also assess the Cold War’s influence in the developing world.
  • HIST 3233 Chinese History through Film

    (3 hours)
    Representations of political and social history of modern China in recent Chinese films, including changing gender roles, the exploitation of women, conflict between tradition and modernization with emphasis on family structure, the role of the Communist Party in the Chinese Revolution, and the relation of the people to the state. Same as FLM 3233 .
  • HIST 3273 History of Women in the United States to 1900

    (3 hours)
    Emphasis on women’s legal, social, and economic status within the realms of family, work, and community and the impact of feminism, slavery, science, and immigration, on women’s lives. Same as WS 3273 .
  • HIST 3283 History of Women in the United States since 1900

    (3 hours)
    Emphasis on women’s legal, social, and economic status within the realms of family, work, and community and the impact of feminism, race, science, and immigration on women’s lives. Same as WS 3283 .
  • HIST 3303 History of Early Chinese Philosophy

    (3 hours)
    Provides a history of Chinese political and philosophical thought in the classical age (500-200 B.C.E.). The main focus will be the Confucian, Mohist, Daoist, and Legalist schools of thought. Debates within and between major schools will be an important focus of the class as well as understanding shared concepts of early Chinese thought.
  • HIST 3323 Politics and History in Soviet Film

    (3 hours)
    Overriding theme is how Soviet films not only represented politics at different stages in the 20th century but also created a usable history. Structure of the course varies from a broad survey of Soviet film to special topics such as World War II. Same as FLM 3323 .
  • HIST 3363 History of Latin America through Film

    (3 hours)
    An examination of selected episodes and themes in the history of Latin America/the Americas through film, focusing on European exploration, colonization, slavery, evangelization, economic development, social revolution, civil war, the drug trade, migration and transnational issues. Same as FLM 3363 .
  • HIST 3403 Crime and Punishment in American History

    (3 hours)
    The intersection between crime control and politics, the history of prisons and police, conservative law and order policies, the War on Drugs and the growth of the “penal industrial complex,” and efforts to export criminal justice reforms prevalent in the United States.
  • HIST 3423 Christianity in Later Imperial China

    (3 hours)
    Examines the intellectual and social impact of Christianity on late imperial China (1500-1900). The main focus will be the Jesuit missions to China, the Taiping “Rebellion” (1850-64), the development of Christian missions in the nineteenth century, and the Boxer Uprising (1899-1900).
  • HIST 3463 19th-Century Europe

    (3 hours)
    The “long 19th century,” from the French Revolution to World War I. Themes include the influence of ideologies; the rise of the bourgeoisie and the industrial proletariat; class relations; the creation of new nation-states; diplomatic relations between states; and artistic, literary, and philosophical movements.
  • HIST 3473 20th-Century Europe

    (3 hours)
    The major political, social, cultural and intellectual currents of Europe in the 20th century. Emphasis on liberal democracy and challenges to it from fascism and communism.
  • HIST 3503 The Middle Ages on Film

    (3 hours)
    A thematic examination of the Middle Ages as portrayed in film. Modern interpretations and representations will be juxtaposed with readings from original sources and scholarships. Same as FLM 3503 .
  • HIST 3513 Colonial America

    (3 hours)
    A social and cultural exploration of the colonial regions in North America (the Chesapeake, New England, the Carolinas and Louisiana) where Europeans, Indians, and Africans created multiethnic societies and economies that would become the United States of America.
  • HIST 3523 Revolutionary America, 1750-1800

    (3 hours)
    Explores the causes and events of the American Revolution, but not a survey of the political and military battles that characterized that era; Instead, this course is an intellectual history of the ideological tensions at the center of the revolutionary era: Who has the right to rule? How do “the people” rule in a democratic manner? And perhaps most importantly, who are “the people”?
  • HIST 3543 The Civil War

    (3 hours)
    Deconstructs the mythology of the Civil War and interprets the effects of the war using tools of historical inquiry like social and cultural history, gender theory, and theories about racial information in the United States. This is not a military or political history of the Civil War, but rather, an examination the social and cultural changes that the war exacted from the American populace.
  • HIST 3553 Rise of Industrial America, 1865-1901

    (3 hours)
    Political, economic, social, and intellectual changes from which modern America emerged, with emphasis on the impact of industrialization.
  • HIST 3573 Recent American History, 1960 to Present

    (3 hours)
    American history from John F. Kennedy to the present including both domestic and foreign affairs.
  • HIST 3643 Italian Renaissance Art: 1300-1480

    (3 hours)
    Explores the development of art and architecture produced in Italy from 1300 to 1480. Examines works of art, architecture, and material culture within their broader social and historical context in an effort to better understand the works and the people who made and viewed them.  Same as ARTH 3643 .
  • HIST 3653 History and Literature

    (3 hours)
    The relationship between literary texts and their historical contexts, organized around a specific historical period, geographical area, or theme. Same as ENGL 3703 .
  • HIST 3663 Reform and Revolution in Modern China

    (3 hours)
    Successes and failures of revolutionary and gradualist changes in Chinese politics, society, and culture from the mid-19th century to the present, and how these changes affected both urban and rural China. Explored themes include nationalism, socialism, individualism, democracy, scientism, and feminism.
  • HIST 3683 Modern Japan, 1800 to Present

    (3 hours)
    Political, social, cultural, and economic changes in Japan from the last years of the Tokugawa shogunate to the present, from the perspectives of power-holders and dissidents, elite, and masses.
  • HIST 3703 Special Topics

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 3733 History of Popular Culture in the Americas

    (3 hours)
    Seminar using selected popular cultural subjects (such as religion, food, sports, visual arts, architecture, literature, travel writings and music) to study American (meaning “the Americas” and not just the United States) society from the mid to late 19th century to the present.
  • HIST 3783 Greece and Rome in Film

    (3 hours)
    A thematic examination of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome as portrayed in film. Modern interpretations and representations will be juxtaposed with readings from original sources and scholarship. Same as FLM 3783 .
  • HIST 3813 The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

    (3 hours)
    Thematic course tracing the rise, fall, and legacy of the Roman Empire. Topics include the end of the Republic, early emperors, Romanization, early Christianity and Christianization, and the coming of the barbarians.
  • HIST 3843 Seeing through Clothes

    (3 hours)
    Focusing on Europe and America, this course analyzes topics such as changing views of the human body, the impact of industrialization on clothing production, the invention of fashion and the democratization of them.
  • HIST 3903 History Colloquium

    (3 hours)
    Examination of an event of broad historical significance while learning research skills and historical methodology. Topic studied varies with the instructor. Normally taken in the junior year.
  • HIST 3973 Undergraduate Seminar

    (3 hours)
    Various topics.
  • HIST 4033 Seminar in the History of Political Thought

    (3 hours)
    Seminar on a single author, the political thought of a particular time and place, or a theme or school of thought. For seniors majoring in history, political science, or philosophy, or pursuing a certificate in political philosophy. Open to underclass students who are exceptionally able or well-prepared. Same as POL 4033 , PHIL 4003 .
  • HIST 4203 Ancient Ethnography

    (3 hours)
    An examination of the invention of “ethnography” in ancient Greece, tracing its development from the Archaic era into the Hellenistic and Roman imperial periods using a mixture of modern scholarship and ancient sources. Same as ANTH 4203 .
  • HIST 4263 Men and Women at War: A History of Europe in the 20th Century

    (3 hours)
    Explore how gender norms changed over the course of the twentieth century in Europe and how this conflict impacted European history. Same as WS 4143 .
  • HIST 4283 American Indian Ethnohistory

    (3 hours)
    A reading class design to expose students to the varied methods and interpretations current in American Indian history. “Ethnohistory” refers to an interdisciplinary “meeting place” between history and anthropology, and an approach that seeks to understand American Indian historical experiences by focusing on multiple historical and cultural perspectives. The class is organized topically, and students will be expected to offer in class presentations and write short and long papers based upon readings.
  • HIST 4293 Ancient Ethnography

    (3 hours)
    An examination of the invention of “ethnography” in ancient Greece, tracing its development from the Archaic era into the Hellenistic and Roman imperial periods using a mixture of modern scholarship and ancient sources. Same as ANTH 4203  
  • HIST 4293 History of the North American West

    (3 hours)
    Reading seminar on the history of the North American West. Course seeks to move beyond older conceptualizations of the region and its history by focusing on issues as diverse as place and process, community and conflict, migration and ethnicity, resource development, and environment. Course will ask students to engage history and historiography as we consider the West as place and cultural phenomenon. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing.
  • HIST 4413 Emergence of Modern Russia

    (3 hours)
    Russia from ancient times to 1825, with emphasis on the Kievan and Muscovite states, the building of the Russian empire, Peter the Great, peasant life and serfdom, early rebellions against autocracy.
  • HIST 4423 Russia: Reform and Revolution

    (3 hours)
    Russia from 1825-1917, with emphasis on the processes of repression, reform, and revolution. Topics include the Russian intelligentsia, the Great Reforms, populism and terrorism, industrialization, and the revolutions of 1905 and 1917.
  • HIST 4443 Soviet Russia

    (3 hours)
    The Soviet Union from 1917-1991, with emphasis on the evolution of state and society. Topics include the Revolution and Civil War, New Economic Policy, the Stalin Revolution, art and culture under dictatorship, the Khrushchev reforms, the Brezhnev era, and the Gorbachev years.
  • HIST 4453 Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche

    (3 hours)
    The development of 19th-century German philosophy, including the problem of the nature and significance of history. Emphasis on Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche, with additional readings from the works of Fichte, Feuerbach, and Schopenhauer. Same as PHIL 4453 .
  • HIST 4573 American Diplomatic History since 1914

    (3 hours)
    American foreign relations from the rise of Woodrow Wilson in 1914 to the present.
  • HIST 4683 Money and Politics in the United States

    (3 hours)
    The 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement brought to public attention how Wall Street financiers and large corporations have corrupted the American political system. This course will look historically at how big money has influenced American politics. A major question we will consider is whether capitalism is compatible with democracy.
  • HIST 4713 America at War in the 20th Century

    (3 hours)
    The evolution of American military policies during the 20th century. Strategies and tactics used to implement these policies studied through analysis of American participants in the following wars: Spanish American, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Emphasis on the interrelationships among military, foreign, and domestic issues.
  • HIST 4803 Topics in Greek History

    (3 hours)
    Discussion course focused on a narrowly defined historical period, theme, or set of problems. Emphasis on the analysis of ancient evidence and on the various scholarly controversies to which it gives rise.
  • HIST 4813 Topics in Roman History

    (3 hours)
    Seminar on selected topics and problems in Roman history; emphasis on the various narrative and epigraphic sources (in translation) and how to use them, and on current scholarship.
  • HIST 4833 Topics in Latin American History

    (3 hours)
    Seminar aimed at a close consideration of a selected topic in Latin America history.
  • HIST 4843 Topics in European History

    (3 hours)
    Seminar on a specific historical period, theme, or set of problems in European history. Close readings of texts with emphasis on the analysis of sources and the modern scholarly controversies to which they give rise.
  • HIST 4853 Topics in American History

    (3 hours)
    Seminar on a specific historical period, theme, or set of problems in American history. Emphasis on critical analysis of historical works and on modern scholarly controversies.
  • HIST 4863 Topics in East Asian History

    (3 hours)
    Seminar focused on a particular time period, country, and/or set of problems in Asian history. The course will emphasize critical analysis of historical works, literature, films, and archival documents and the modern scholarly controversies to which they give rise.
  • HIST 4873 Topics in Medieval History

    (3 hours)
    Seminar on a specific period, theme, or set of problems In the history of medieval Western Europe, Byzantium, and/or Islam. Emphasis on source analysis and modern scholarly debate.
  • HIST 4973 Undergraduate Seminar

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 4991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)
  • HIST 5313 Readings in the History of the Ancient World and Europe to 1700

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 5323 Research in the History of the Ancient World and Europe to 1700

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 5413 Readings in the History of Europe since 1700

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 5423 Research in the History of Europe since 1700

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 5513 Readings in the History of the United States

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 5523 Research in the History of the United States

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 5713 Readings in Comparative Social and Cultural History

    (3 hours)
  • HIST 5723 Research in Comparative Social and Cultural History

    (3 hours)


  • HON 1003 Greek History, Philosophy and Drama

    (3 hours)
    Origins and development of Western Civilization in the ancient world. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
  • HON 1013 Medieval Culture or Self-fashioning in the Renaissance

    (3 hours)
    Continuing origins and development of Western Civilization up to the 15th Century. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
  • HON 2003 Enlightenment and Its Critics

    (3 hours)
    Intellectual and social revolutions that give shape to the modern world (15th - 19th centuries). Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
  • HON 2013 History and Philosophy of Science

    (3 hours)
    The nature of science and its centrality to modern culture (15th - 19th centuries). Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
  • HON 3003 Modernization and Its Discontents

    (3 hours)
    The consequences of modern social, cultural, political and economic conditions - capitalism, communism, urbanization, secularization, colonialism etc. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
  • HON 3013 Contemporary and Emerging Issues

    (3 hours)
    Social, cultural, political and economic topics of current interest, including globalization, mass media, west/non-west tensions, current crises, etc. Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
  • HON 4003 Senior Project

    (3 hours)
    Restricted to students in the Honors Program.
  • HON 4006 Senior Project

    (6 hours)
    Restricted to students in the Honors Program.

International Business

  • IB 3013 Comparative Culture and International Business

    (3 hours)
    Because a business firm’s success depends on its ability to understand and adjust to economic, physical, and cultural environments, this course emphasizes interrelations, especially between economy and culture. Includes an overview of international business, components of the cultural environment, and managing in a multicultural environment. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
  • IB 4013 Topics in International Business

    (3 hours)
    A critical study of selected topics in international business. Emphasis on contemporary economic and political relationships. Course may include foreign travel. May be repeated for credit if different topics are covered. Prerequisites: Junior standing and permission of the coordinator of international business programs.
  • IB 4023 Global Energy Decisions

    (3 hours)
    Characterizes economics, politics and history of state energy policies, particularly as exemplified by state-run oil companies. Also covers competition between fuels (e.g, nuclear versus solar) and competition between energy producer countries (e.g. Russian natural gas versus U.S. coal in European electric power markets).Prerequisite: Senior standing. Same as EMGT 4023 .
  • IB 4503 Internship in International Business

    (3 hours)
    Combines work experience and academic experience in the area of International Business. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor prior to beginning internship.
  • IB 4973 Seminar in International Business

    (3 hours)
    Selected subjects in international business. May be repeated for credit if different topics are covered. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • IB 4991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)

Journalism Studies

  • JS 3001-3 Journalism Practicum

    (1-3 hours)
  • JS 3992 Independent Study

    (2 hours)


  • LANG 2023 Foundations of Linguistics

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Basic linguistic concepts and analysis are introduced, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and historical linguistics. Emphasis on use of linguistic theories and methods of analysis in describing human cognition, culture, and the social order. Same as ANTH 2023 /ENGL 2293 .
  • LANG 2213 Language, Gender, and Society

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Examination of the social construction of gender and of how it reflects on male-female communicative styles. Understanding of gender-related patterns in language, speech, and nonverbal communication as a basis for analyzing communicative settings, both private and public. Same as WS 2213 .
  • LANG 2991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)
    By arrangement with instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • LANG 3011 Service Learning Project

    (1 hour)
    Participation in a guided service learning project. Amount and type of written and/or oral documentation in Spanish to be determined based on project specificity.
  • LANG 4003 Methods of Teaching Languages

    (3 hours)
    Theory and practice of teaching second languages. Focus on Communicative Language Teaching in grades K-12. Course is also appropriate for prospective teachers of English as a second language. Required for teacher licensure/certification in foreign languages. Prerequisite: Sufficient proficiency in the target language to teach practice lessons.
  • LANG 4313 Special Topics in Linguistics

    (3 hours)
    A particular topic in an area such as language teaching methodology, linguistics, sociology of language, or semiotics. Course may be repeated for credit with different topics. May count toward major in French, German, or Spanish with permission of Department. Prerequisite: Varies according to topic and language area.
  • LANG 4373 Linguistic Analysis

    (3 hours)
    Overview of the nature of linguistic theories and analysis. Phonological, morphological, and syntactic analysis of selected linguistic data using a variety of languages and theories. Prerequisite: ANTH 2023 /LANG 2023 , ENGL 2293 , or SPAN 3123 .
  • LANG 4973 Senior Project

    (3 hours)
    Language majors investigate a topic in areas of literature, linguistics, or culture and prepare a research paper under faculty guidance. The research process includes the selection of a topic, presentation of a weekly progress report, preparation of a bibliography, outline, leading towards a final paper.


  • LAT 1004 Beginning Latin I

    (4 hours)
    Acquisition of basic competence in reading and writing. Study of grammar as aid to reading and writing. Students with previous training but no college credit in Latin must consult the Department of Languages for placement advice.

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