Sep 23, 2024  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Course Descriptions



  • FR 3693 Cinéma et Culture

    (3 hours)
    French film perspectives on cultural concerns: war and decolonization as they redefine French national identity, the Americanization of French culture, and patriarchal politics and cultural subversion. Prerequisite: FR 3023  and FR 3033 , or equivalent, departmental approval through placement, or permission of instructor. Same as FR 3693 .
  • FR 3991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)
    By arrangement with a French instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • FR 4113 Topics in Francophone Literary and Cultural Studies

    (3 hours)
    Exploration of Black (African/Caribbean), Maghreban/Near Eastern, European (Belgian, French, Swiss), or Canadian Francophone world. Cultural and literary accomplishments, social institutions, and ideologies of French-speaking peoples explored through texts, slides, historical documents, newspapers, advertisements, film clips, television, or radio. Course may be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisites: Grades of C or higher in FR 3023  and FR 3033  or their equivalents, or permission of instructor.
  • FR 4123 Topics in Literary and Cultural Studies of France

    (3 hours)
    Exploration of the culture, political institutions, philosophy, and literature of France. Course may be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisites: FR 3023  and FR 3033  or their equivalents, each with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor.
  • FR 4143 Genres and Periods

    (3 hours)
    Core studies for students electing a concentration in French literary and cultural studies. Subjects offered include 19th-Century Novel, French Enlightenment, Modern French Novel, Classic French Drama, and Modern French Drama. Course may be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisite: FR 3023  and FR 3033  or their equivalents, each with a grade of C or higher, or permission of instructor.
  • FR 4303 Topics in French Language and Linguistics

    (3 hours)
    Attention to communicative issues in French. Topics may include analysis of language structures and variations, origins of the French language and the dynamic forces of conservatism and change, and language and society. Course may be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisite: FR 3023  and FR 3033 , or permission of instructor.
  • FR 4403 French Translation II

    (3 hours)
    Continuation of FR 3403  for students wishing to enhance their translation and interpretation skills with a view to undertaking translation work in a professional capacity. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in either FR 3023  or FR 3403  or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
  • FR 4991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)
    By arrangement with a French instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of department chair.


  • GEOG 3053 Geomorphology

    (3 hours)
    Description, analysis, and interpretation of landforms on the earth’s surface. Mechanisms of the formation and evolution of landforms at various scales. Prerequisites: GEOL 1014  or equivalent and junior standing.
  • GEOG 4861-6 Special Topics in Geography

    (1-6 hours)
  • GEOG 4991-4 Independent Study

    (1-4 hours)
    Independent or group studies on special topics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


  • GEOL 1003 Introduction to Oceanography

    (3 hours) Block 3
    The physical nature of the oceans, and the geological, chemical and biological processes that affect the entire planet. Emphasis on interdependence of the biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, influence of humankind on oceans, and costs and benefits of human exploitation.
  • GEOL 1014 Physical Geology

    (4 hours) Block 3
    Introduction to geology from an Earth systems point of view, to include the general geology of Earth and its processes and products.  Included are rocks and minerals, faults and folds, landslides, streams, glaciers, oceans, volcanoes, earthquakes, plate tectonics, and effects of and on humankind.Three hours lecture and one laboratory each week.
  • GEOL 1043 Geology of the National Parks

    (3 hours) Block 3
    An overview of the geology of the national parks of the United States. Demonstration of geologic principles and processes, as well as earth history, using the dramatic geological examples preserved in our national parks.
  • GEOL 1991 Introduction to the Geosciences

    (1 hour)
    Exposure to the wide range of disciplines and career opportunities in geosciences.  Meetings with geoscience faculty and professionals.  Degree tracks in the geosciences program.  Strategies for success in school and in geoscience careers.
  • GEOL 2003 History of the Biosphere

    (3 hours)
    History of life, when and under what circumstances different organisms first appeared, how they lived, their fossilization, the timing and causes of major extinctions, and the practical use of fossils. Laboratory surveys major fossil invertebrate groups, emphasizing biological significance of fossilized features. Prerequisite: GEOL 1014 .
  • GEOL 2043 Energy, Environment and Climate Change

    (3 hours) Block 3
    Introduction to the formation, production and transportation of fossil fuel and alternative energy sources.  Basic knowledge and techniques for understanding and assessing the effects of various energy sources on human health, climate change and the contamination of water, soil and atmosphere at various scales.
  • GEOL 2053 Earth Resources

    (3 hours) Block 3
    Introduction to earth’s resources: what they are, where and how they are located, and their utilization and exploitation by humankind. Topics include metals, industrial rocks and minerals, chemical minerals, fossil fuels, water and soils, as well as nuclear power, alternative energy sources, and resources for the future.
  • GEOL 2063 Geological Hazards and Catastrophes

    (3 hours) Block 3
    Introduction to the origin, nature and prediction of both process-related hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and coastal hazards and materials-related hazards such as asbestos, swelling soils and radon. Specific case examples are examined by accessing data and reports electronically. Local field trips may be included.
  • GEOL 2143 Mineralogy

    (3 hours)
    Systematic introduction to minerals as naturally occurring, crystalline substances, crystallography, crystal chemistry, classification, occurrences, and associations, plus megascopic and instrumental methods of identification. Prerequisite: CHEM 1013 . Corequisite: GEOL 1014 . A working knowledge of plane geometry and trigonometry is essential. Two hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory session each week.
  • GEOL 2571-3 Introduction to Geosciences Internship

    (1-3 hours)
    Development of critical career skills with emphasis on field and analytical skills pertaining to industrial applications of the geosciences. Work will be in conjunction with industry mentor and faculty member. Course may be repeated for up to three total hours of credit. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and mentor.
  • GEOL 2871-3 Introduction to Research

    (1-3 hours)
    Development of critical research skills with emphasis on field, lab and analytical skills. Work includes collection and analysis of field and lab data, literature search, and presentation of results. Course may be repeated for up to 3 total hours of credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 3061 Structural Geology Laboratory

    (1 hour)
    Techniques of structural analysis in the laboratory using both graphical and analytical techniques. One three-hour laboratory session each week. Corequisite: GEOL 3063 .
  • GEOL 3063 Introduction to Structural Geology

    (3 hours)
    Structural features and the processes that form them. Description and origin of geological structures and their tectonic associations. Includes a required field trip. Prerequisite: GEOL 2143  or permission of instructor. Corequisite for geology majors: GEOL 3061 .
  • GEOL 3151 Sedimentary Rocks and Processes Laboratory

    (1 hour)
    An introduction to the description and interpretation of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Field trips are required. Prerequisite: GEOL 1014 . Corequisite: GEOL 3153 .
  • GEOL 3153 Sedimentary Rocks and Processes

    (3 hours)
    An introduction to the processes responsible for production, transport, and deposition of sedimentary particles. Overview of sedimentary environments and facies. Emphasis on principles and applications. Prerequisites: GEOL 1014  and junior standing.
  • GEOL 4016 Field Geology

    (6 hours)

    Required for all geology majors. Students must take this course at another university. Mapping and interpretation of the geology of selected areas, concentrating on structural and petrologic aspects. Several mapping projects using aerial photographs and topographic maps, final maps, and short reports are required. Prerequisites: GEOG 3053 , GEOL 3063 , GEOL 3061 , GEOL 3153 , GEOL 3151 , and GEOL 4144 .


  • GEOL 4063 Petroleum Geology

    (3 hours)
    Synthesis of geology, geophysics, and geochemistry as applied to petroleum exploration, petroleum production, reservoir characterization, and enhanced oil recovery. Prerequisites: GEOL 1014  and GEOL 3153 , or permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 4083 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    (3 hours)
    Fundamentals of the design and use of spatial datasets in computerized mapping and analysis of spatial data. Technical and scientific aspects of the collection, query, analysis and presentation of spatial data from a wide range of disciplines using industry standard software tools. Lecture and computer lab components. Prerequisites: GEOL 1014  or equivalent; senior standing or permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 4144 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks and Processes

    (4 hours)
    Igneous and metamorphic rocks of the earth’s crust and their processes of formation, alteration, and occurrence in space and time. Laboratory stresses the coordination of megascopic and petrographic studies of rocks. Prerequisite: GEOL 2143 . Should be completed before taking field camp. Three hours lecture and one three-hour lab each week.
  • GEOL 4253 Marine Geology

    (3 hours)
    Rocks, sediments, geophysics, structure, and stratigraphy of the ocean basins and their margins. Prerequisite or corequisite: GEOL 3153  or permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 4513 Hydrogeology

    (3 hours)
    Patterns and processes of water movement, storage and transformation in the environment.  Influence o landscape characteristics, human activities and weather on the transformation and movement of water, including both surface and ground water, on the earth’s surface.  Prerequisite: GEOL 3153 .
  • GEOL 4523 Environmental Geochemistry

    (3 hours)
    Fundamental geochemical processes of the Earth’s surface and the impact of human activities on environments.  How these processes interact with inorganic and organic contaminants in soil, surface, groundwater and atmospheric environments.  Global and local phenomena examined from a chemical perspective.  Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 4571-3 Geosciences Internship

    (1-3 hours)
    Unpaid internship under supervision of faculty member and industry mentor. Course may be repeated for up to 3 total hours of credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor and mentor.
  • GEOL 4861-6 Special Topics in Geology

    (1-6 hours)
  • GEOL 4871-3 Undergraduate Research

    (1-3 hours)
    Individual research project under the supervision of a faculty member. Course may be repeated for up to 3 total hours of credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 4983 Senior Thesis

    (3 hours)
    Development of an individual research project under the direction of a faculty member. Topics may include field, laboratory, or computing research.
  • GEOL 4991-4 Independent Study

    (1-4 hours)
    Independent or group studies on special topics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5113 Plate Tectonics

    (3 hours)
    Lecture and seminar covering global tectonics, plate boundary phenomena, structural associations and assemblages, petrologic associations and assemblages and the mechanics of plate motion and interaction. Term paper required. Prerequisites: GEOL 3063 , GEOL 3153 , GEOL 4144 , MATH 2073 , and PHYS 2063 , or permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5263 Carbonate Sedimentology

    (3 hours)
    Carbonate depositional environments and description and classification of limestones. Field trips may be required, for which a nominal fee will be assessed. Prerequisites: GEOL 2003  and GEOL 3153  or permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5303 Tectonics and Sedimentation

    (3 hours)
    An evaluation of the relationship between tectonic deformation and sedimentation processes. In addition to traditional lectures, readings from the current literature and case studies will be discussed. Includes a required field trip to the Arkoma-Ouachita foreland systems. Prerequisites: GEOL 3063 , GEOL 3153  and permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5333 Advanced Stratigraphic Analysis

    (3 hours)
    Survey and application of sequence stratigraphy. Course activities emphasize hands-on exercises. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5413 Geochemistry

    (3 hours)
    Chemical principles that govern the distribution of elements and isotopes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and solid earth, with emphasis on how these systems interact within the Earth system. Prerequisites: GEOL 1014  ,CHEM 1023  and MATH 2014  .
  • GEOL 5433 Organic Geochemistry

    (3 hours)
    Geochemistry of organic substances with emphasis on the origin and diagenesis of petroleum. Prerequisites: CHEM 1023  and GEOL 4063 , or permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5513 Microanalysis

    (3 hours)
    Application of microanalytical techniques to the chemical and structural characterization of solid materials. Electron beam imaging and xray microanalysis, x-ray diffraction, microvibrational spectroscopy and optical microscopy. One lecture per week plus independent lab projects. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5713 Regional Tectonics

    (3 hours)
    Review course covering structural styles, associations, and models. Involves extensive reading on geology of selected areas. Seminar format, term papers required. Prerequisites: GEOL 3063  and permission of instructor.
  • GEOL 5723 Geomechanics

    (3 hours)
    Introduction to the application of continuum mechanics to geology. Topics covered include stress, strain, buckling, bending, fracturing, isostasy, and heat conduction. Term paper and field trip required. A nominal fee will be charged to cover travel expenses. Prerequisites: GEOL 3063 GEOL 3061  ,MATH 2073  ,PHYS 2063 , and permission of instructor.


  • GERM 1004 Beginning German I

    (4 hours)
    Acquisition of basic communicative competence, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural skills. Strategies for functioning in situations at a level appropriate to novice learners. Study of grammar as aid to communication. Prerequisite: No previous training or experience in German, or departmental approval through placement.
  • GERM 1014 Beginning German II

    (4 hours)
    Acquisition of basic communicative competence, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural skills. Strategies for functioning in situations at a level appropriate to novice learners. Study of grammar as aid to communication. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in GERM 1004  or its equivalent, or departmental approval through placement.
  • GERM 2003 Intermediate German I

    (3 hours)
    Increases learners’ ability to use the language in a wider range of situations and with greater accuracy. Greater use of authentic materials. Study of grammar as aid to communication. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in GERM 1014  or its equivalent, or departmental approval through placement.
  • GERM 2013 Intermediate German II

    (3 hours)
    Increases learners’ ability to use the language in a wider range of situations and with greater accuracy. Greater use of authentic materials. Study of grammar as aid to communication. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in GERM 2003  or its equivalent, or departmental approval through placement.
  • GERM 3003 Advanced German

    (3 hours)
    Continuing development of German writing, listening, and speaking skills, with a particular focus on listening comprehension of authentic materials. Prerequisite: GERM 2013  or its equivalent, departmental approval through placement, or permission of instructor.
  • GERM 3023 German Film

    (3 hours)
    History of German film, the work of individual directors, film genres, film techniques and tools of analysis, with a particular focus on film as a reflection of or reaction to the socioeconomic conditions, cultural norms, and predominant values of the era in which it is set or produced. Prerequisite: GERM 2013  or equivalent, departmental approval through placement, or permission of instructor. Same as FLM 3423 .
  • GERM 3053 Introduction to Critical Reading

    (3 hours)
    Training in strategies of critical reading. Students develop skills required to analyze written texts in a variety of literary and nonliterary genres and to recognize the role texts play in the history of a culture’s transformations. Prerequisite: GERM 2013  or permission of instructor.
  • GERM 3173 Masterpieces of German Literature I

    (3 hours)
    Close reading and analysis of literature (plays, poems, opera libretti, novellas, novels, essays, letters, etc.) from the Reformation through the Romantic period. Emphasis on close textual analysis, critical thinking, and continuing development of writing and reading skills. Prerequisite: GERM 2013  or equivalent, departmental approval through placement, or permission of instructor.
  • GERM 3183 Masterpieces of German Literature II

    (3 hours)
    Close reading and analysis of literature (plays, poems, opera libretti, novellas, novels, essays, letters, etc.) from Realism to the present. Emphasis on close textual analysis, critical thinking, and continuing development of writing and reading skills. Prerequisite: GERM 2013  or equivalent, departmental approval through placement, or permission of instructor.
  • GERM 3213 Genre

    (3 hours)
    In-depth examination of a single literary genre, with emphasis on the 18th-20th centuries. Topics include drama, poetry, fairy tales, the novella, the novel, autobiography, and children’s literature. Prerequisite: GERM 2013  or equivalent, departmental approval through placement, or permission of instructor.
  • GERM 3993 Independent Study

    (3 hours)
    By arrangement with a German instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GERM 4313 History of the German Language

    (3 hours)
    The principal developmental stages of the German language from its oldest known forms, through medieval German, to the regularization of the language after Luther. Internal linguistic analysis is connected with appropriate understanding of the external cultural and historical context of the German peaking world. Prerequisite or corequisite: One 3000-level German course or permission of instructor.
  • GERM 4413 Individual Authors

    (3 hours)
    Intensive reading of literary works of up to three authors, including Lessing, LaRoche, Goethe, Schiller, Wolf, Seghers, Kleist, Bettina von Arnim, Büchner, Keller, Fontane, Thomas Mann, Kafka, Brecht, Böll, Bachmann, Grass, Enzensberger, and Christa Wolf. Course may be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisite or corequisite: One 3000-level German course or permission of instructor.
  • GERM 4513 Special Topics

    (3 hours)
    Exploration of a particular historical or literary period, a place, a population, or a literary theme. Topics include medieval courtly society, romanticism, the 1848 revolution, the Weimar era, postwar Germany, turn-of-the-century Vienna, Jewish writing and thought, poetry and history, childhood and boarding schools. Course may be repeated for credit with different topics. Prerequisite or corequisite: One 3000-level German course.
  • GERM 4991-3 Independent Study

    (1-3 hours)
    By arrangement with a German instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


  • GPHY 2503 Physics of the Earth

    (3 hours)
    Introduction to the study of the physics of the solid Earth, including the workings of both the Earth’s surface and its deep interior. Covers principles of seismology, gravity, magnetism and heat flow applied to whole earth structure and plate tectonics. Description of crust, mantle, and core of the earth as determined from geophysical methods. Prerequisites: GEOL 1014  and MATH 2014 , or permission of instructor.
  • GPHY 2583 Introduction to Petroleum Geophysics

    (3 hours)
    Fundamentals of hydrocarbon resource exploration and development using geophysical methods. Geological and geophysical methods are included. This course involves international travel. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GPHY 4003 Petroleum Seismology

    (3 hours)
    Acquisition, processing and (as time allows) interpretation of 3D seismic reflection data. Topics include wave properties, ID seismic concepts, 2D seismic acquisition, seismic economics, land and marine acquisition methods, overview of processing with emphasis on migration concepts. Prerequisites: MATH 2024 , PHYS 2063 , and senior standing.
  • GPHY 4023 Field Methods in Geophysics

    (3 hours)
    The application of geophysical field methods for delineating near-surface features and/or structures as applied to exploration, environmental, and engineering problems. Field design, ground positioning, instrumentation, practical field data acquisition with gravimeter, magnetometer, ground-penetrating radar, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic, and seismic equipment. Processing and interpreting acquired data. Prerequisites: GPHY 4053  and GPHY 4003 .
  • GPHY 4033 Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation

    (3 hours)
    Fourier Transform Theory in continuous and discrete time. Filter theory and the Z-transform, filter stability, introduction to wave equation. Interpretation of processed seismic data. Prerequisites: GPHY 4003 , MATH 4123 , MATH 4143 .
  • GPHY 4053 Applied Geophysics

    (3 hours)
    Survey of applied geophysics describing physical methods involved in exploration for hydrocarbons and minerals. Applications of physics to measurements made for mapping near surface earth structure. Gravity, magnetic, electrical, electro-magnetic, bore-hole logging, ground penetrating radar, seismic, and radioactivity methods for mapping sub-surface will be discussed. Introduction to data processing and interpretation with the objective of locating natural resources. Prerequisite: GPHY 2503 . Corequisite: EE 3023 .
  • GPHY 4063 Well Logging for Geologists and Geophysicists

    (3 hours)
    Electrical, acoustic, and radioactive properties of rocks. Introduction to well logging theory and interpretation of subsurface logs. Prerequisites: GEOL 3153 , PHYS 2063 .
  • GPHY 4513 Environmental Geophysics

    (3 hours)
    Application of geophysical methods to near surface problems. Topics include microgravity, magnetics, electrical conductivity, electrical resistivity, and ground penetrating radar. Emphasis given to case histories and interpretation. Prerequisite: PHYS 2063 , permission of instructor.
  • GPHY 4861-6 Special Topics in Geophysics

    (1-6 hours)
  • GPHY 4991-4 Independent Study

    (1-4 hours)
    Independent or group studies on special topics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
  • GPHY 5133 Exploration Seismology

    (3 hours)
    Mathematical treatment of wave propagation theory pertinent to hydrocarbon exploration. Focuses on field design criteria for data acquisition and theoretical aspects of seismic data processing. Prerequisites: MATH 4123 , MATH 4143 , and GPHY 4003  or permission of instructor.
  • GPHY 5153 Integrated Seismic Data Interpretation

    (3 hours)
    Focuses on aspects of seismic data interpretation for detailing subsurface structure and rock properties for hydrocarbon exploration. Covers the methodology of integrated interpretation of seismic, gravity, magnetic and well log data. Prerequisites: GPHY 4003  and GEOL 4063 , or permission of instructor.
  • GPHY 5173 Time Series Analysis and Inverse Theory

    (3 hours)
    Covers aspects of digital data processing for signal extraction. Time series analysis will focus on conditioning the acquired data. Also covers parameter estimation through linear and nonlinear inverse modeling of geophysical data. Prerequisites: MATH 4123  and MATH 4143 , or permission of instructor.
  • GPHY 5183 Special Processing of Seismic Data

    (3 hours)
    Focuses on processing real seismic data on a workstation to deliver practical experience in advanced seismic data processing for detailed imaging of the subsurface. Prerequisite: GPHY 5133  or permission of instructor.

Global Scholars

  • GLSC 2013 Global Challenges

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Explores some of the major challenges facing the world today: populations, resources, economics, technology, information, conflict, and governance. Restricted to students in the Global Scholars Program.
  • GLSC 2023 Sustainability and Urban Development

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Interdisciplinary examination of the social, economic and environmental sustainability in the context of global urban development. Prerequisite: GLSC 2013 . Restricted to students in the Global Scholars Program.
  • GLSC 2863 Special Topics

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.


  • GRK 1004 Beginning Greek I

    (4 hours)
    Introduction to the forms and usage of elementary grammar of ancient Greek.
  • GRK 1014 Beginning Greek II

    (4 hours)
    Continuation of the forms and usage of elementary grammar of ancient Greek. Prerequisite: GRK 1004  with a grade of C or higher.
  • GRK 2003 Intermediate Greek I

    (3 hours)
    Completion of elementary grammar of ancient Greek and reading of selections from texts in Greek. Prerequisite: GRK 1014  or permission of instructor.
  • GRK 2013 Intermediate Greek II

    (3 hours)
    Reading in Greek of a text such as a dialogue of Plato or a Greek tragedy. Prerequisite: GRK 2003  or permission of instructor.
  • GRK 3013 Attic Prose

    (3 hours)
    Reading in one author: Xenophon, Plato, or Herodotus. Prerequisite: GRK 2013  or permission of instructor.
  • GRK 3103 Homer

    (3 hours)
    Readings from the Iliad and Odyssey. Prerequisite: GRK 2013  or permission of instructor.
  • GRK 3203 Tragedy

    (3 hours)
    Complete reading of one tragedy. Prerequisite: GRK 2013  or permission of instructor.

Health and Community Medicine

  • HCOM 4233 Medical Anthropology

    (3 hours)
    Medical anthropology is a subfield of anthropology that studies the roll of culture in illness and healing.  Students will learn how culture and the body interact in human health, and will study several examples from societies around the world. Same as ANTH 4233 .


  • HEBR 1004 Beginning Hebrew I

    (4 hours)
    Acquisition of basic communicative competence, Involving listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural skills. Strategies for functioning in situations at a level appropriate to novice learners. Prerequisite: No previous training or experience in Hebrew, or departmental approval through placement.
  • HEBR 1014 Beginning Hebrew II

    (4 hours)
    Acquisition of basic communicative competence, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural skills. Strategies for functioning in situation at a level appropriate to novice learners. Study of grammar as aid to communication. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in HEBR 1004  or its equivalent, or departmental approval through placement.
  • HEBR 2003 Intermediate Hebrew I

    (3 hours)
    Increases learners’ ability to use the language in a wider range of situations and with greater accuracy. Increased use of authentic materials. Study of grammar as aid to communication. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in HEBR 1014  or its equivalent, or departmental approval through placement.
  • HEBR 2013 Intermediate Hebrew II

    (3 hours)
    Increases learners’ ability to use the language in a wider range of situations and with greater accuracy. Increased use of authentic materials. Study of grammar as aid to communication. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in HEBR 2003  or its equivalent, or departmental approval through placement.


  • HIST 2053 European Women’s History

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Introduction to European women’s history from the 18th century to the present. Emphasis on how the important political, social, economic, and cultural events of European history shaped women’s lives. Same as WS 2053 .
  • HIST 2133 Images of the American West

    (3 hours)
    The American West as envisioned and understood across a range of interpretations and iconographies, primarily in literature and historical narrative, but also in film, painting, and other forms of cultural representation. Various mythologizings of “the West” as defined over time, and the persistence of such mythologies in the present. Same as ARTH 2133  and ENGL 2133 .
  • HIST 2213 Latin America

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Introduction to Latin American history from pre-Columbian to modern times. Emphasis on the encounter of various peoples in the New World; colonial societies and institutions; emergence of new republics; neocolonialism, global integration, and industrialization; religious practices; revolutionary movements; race and gender relations; and Latin American-U.S. diplomacy.
  • HIST 2243 Social Revolutions in Latin America

    (3 hours) Block 2
    What is a social revolution? Who, why and under what historical conditions are such measures undertaken? This course examines several revolutionary case studies in Latin America during the 20th century. Careful attention is paid to events in Mexico, Cuba and Nicaragua as well as to repressive regimes in Guatemala Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
  • HIST 2283 History of Ancient America

    (3 hours) Block 2
    A survey of the development of pre-Columbian cultures in North, Central, and South America from the earliest migrations across the Bering Straits to the fluorescence of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec empires on the eve of European contact.
  • HIST 2313 Ancient World

    (3 hours) Block 2
    The Near East, Greece, and Rome in antiquity; emphasis on the cultural, intellectual, social, and political achievements of these early civilizations.
  • HIST 2363 Medieval World

    (3 hours) Block 2
    The origins and development of Mediterranean and European nations from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Reformation, with emphasis on topics such as the rise of the medieval church, the birth of Islam, the Crusades, the crisis of church and state, and the nature of feudal politics and economics.
  • HIST 2383 American Environmental History

    (3 hours) Block 2
    An introduction to the basic issues and sources for understanding the history of the interaction of humans with natural environments of North America from pre-contact times through the twentieth century. Topics include Native American uses and views of the natural world, resource use from colonial times to the present, the ecological effects of industry and commerce, and ideas about the environment from conservationist and preservationist movements to environmental movements.
  • HIST 2403 Modern Europe

    (3 hours) Block 2
    Introduction to major issues and events that have shaped western Europe in the modern era, with emphasis on political ideologies, economic developments, diplomatic relations, and social movements.

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